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Potential energy and differentials
送交者: jingchen 2023年01月18日09:35:34 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

The relation between potential energy and differentials


The relation between potential energy and height is


E = mgh, or m*g*h


Here h is height, or differential, mg is the gravity of mass m, g is the gravitational constant. From the equation, the greater the height or differential, the greater the potential energy.


Dams are built high. The difference between the water levels at two sides of the dam determines the level of potential energy and hence the resulting electric energy. But building and maintaining a high dam is costly. Engineeringly, dams are not built as high as possible.


Potential energy, which is largely invisible, can be easily converted into kinetic energy or electric energy, which are highly visible. In human societies, people with high social status, or high potential energy, can easily attain great success in wealth accumulation or other highly visible achievements.


In a society, most social measures are taken to increase the potential energy, or inequality, for the powerful. Schools are valued highly when they are more exclusive. Powerful countries turn their trading counterparties into banana republics. People in banana republics remain poor and hence remain cheap labors.


How about many measures to enhance equality? They are often disguised measures to enhance inequality. Please see my note, What is EDI, for further details.




For general discussion on inequality, please see my note, On Inequality





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