——2024聖誕之夜對Holy Bible的感悟
錢 宏 | Archer Hong Qian
聖誕之夜,當這句話——“疲憊的世界歡欣鼓舞”(“The Weary World Rejoices!”)在心中迴蕩時,我愈發感到,它不僅是一句讚美耶穌降臨的詩句,更是一盞照亮人類歷史與未來的靈性明燈。它承載着對世界的深切洞察,串聯起《Holy Bible》中律法之約(Covenant of the Law)、福音之約(Covenant of the Gospel)與共生之約(Covenant of Symbiosis)的敘事。這種宏微相濟的敘述路徑,展示了從疲憊到歡欣、從破碎到聯結的旅程。
耶穌基督的降生、受難與復活,不僅成全了律法的要求,也打開了人類通向神恩典的大門。通過“因信稱義”(Justification by Faith),人類從罪的枷鎖中被釋放,與神重新和好。
每個因信稱義的人被稱為“聖靈的殿”(Temple of the Holy Spirit),承載着靈性孞念(Minds)的託付。然而,結出聖靈之果(Fruits of the Spirit)需要超越傳統Trust(信託)的限制。
愛神之金律(Golden Rule): 全心愛神,回應他的呼召。
愛人如己之銀律(Silver Rule): 將己所欲推己及人,建立包容關係。
互助之銅律(Bronze Rule): 通過合作與協作,建構共生體。
平衡之鐵律(Iron Rule): 約束權力濫用,維持公平與公義。
五維動態律(Five-Dimensional Rule): 藉助孞聯網實時評估行為的六維價值(真偽、善惡、美醜、智慧愚昧、神性魔性),動態激勵或抑制人類與AI的互動。
啟示錄中的新耶路撒冷城不僅是未來的盼望,更是當下共生實踐的目標。通過生態圈天網(Heavenly Net)和孞聯網(MindsNetworking),每個受造物都成為構建新耶路撒冷城的基本構件。
"The Weary World Rejoices"
— Reflections on the Holy Bible on Christmas Night, 2024
By Archer Hong Qian
On Christmas night, as the words "The Weary World Rejoices!" resonated within me, I felt deeply that they were not merely a poetic praise of Christ's birth but a spiritual beacon illuminating the course of human history and its future. These words encapsulate profound insights into the human condition and connect the narrative arcs of the Covenant of the Law, the Covenant of the Gospel, and the Covenant of Symbiosis in the Holy Bible. Together, they form a grand yet intricate story, revealing humanity's journey from weariness to joy, from brokenness to connection.
I.From the Covenant of the Law to the Covenant of the Gospel: The Weary World's Hope and Joy
The Weary World: The Illumination of the Covenant of the Law
The Establishment of the Covenant of the Law:
Through the Covenant of the Law, God revealed His holiness and righteousness, providing humanity with clear guidance on sin and virtue. However, the law functioned as a mirror, allowing people to see their own frailty and fallenness. It showed humanity's inability to meet the law's demands or free themselves from the bondage of sin.
The Manifestation of Weariness:
Under the illumination of the law, humanity’s struggles, both internal and societal, became evident. This weariness was not just personal suffering but also a collective yearning for the arrival of salvation.
The Arrival of Joy: The Fulfillment of the Covenant of the Gospel
The Accomplishment of the Covenant of the Gospel:
Through His birth, crucifixion, and resurrection, Jesus Christ fulfilled the law's requirements and opened the way for humanity to access God's grace. By justification through faith, humanity was released from the chains of sin and reconciled to God.
The Reason for Rejoicing:
Jesus brought peace and hope, fully addressing the weary world's cries. As Romans 5:1 declares, "Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." This reconciliation is the foundation of the world's joy.
II.From the Covenant of the Gospel to the Covenant of Symbiosis: The Presence of the New Jerusalem
From Redemption to Symbiotic Blessing
The Completion of Redemption from Sin:
The Covenant of the Gospel resolved the fundamental barrier between humanity and God, enabling people to be freed from sin and to live in fellowship with Him.
The Call to Redemption for Blessing:
The Gospel covenant’s goal extends beyond individual salvation, calling humanity into broader relationships of love and symbiosis—between individuals, with nature, and even with AI—fostering reconciliation and collaborative flourishing.
The Presence of the New Jerusalem
The Temple of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit:
Every believer justified by faith is described as a "Temple of the Holy Spirit," entrusted with spiritual Amorsophia (the wisdom of love). However, producing the Fruits of the Spirit requires transcending the limitations of traditional Trust mechanisms.
The Immanence of Heaven:
Jesus’ coming signifies that "Heaven" and "Hell" are not merely future destinations but present realities. Every choice shaped by spiritual Amorsophia determines whether the kingdom of heaven manifests on earth.
III. The Covenant of Symbiosis: The Already-Present Future
The Failure of Traditional Trust and the Rise of Spiritual Trust
The Failure of Traditional Trust Mechanisms:
Trust mechanisms rooted in linguistic centralization—be it churches, governments, corporations, or NGOs—often fail to ensure the Fruits of the Spirit and, at times, exacerbate existing problems.
The Establishment of Spiritual Trust through Minds:
Humanity, as "Temples of the Holy Spirit" that are inherently sufficient yet interconnected, must transition from traditional Trust to a decentralized "MindsNetworking" mechanism grounded in spiritual Amorsophia.
The Five Principles of Practice
The Golden Rule of Loving God: To love God wholeheartedly in response to His calling.
The Silver Rule of Loving Others: To extend one's desires to others, building inclusive relationships.
The Bronze Rule of Cooperation: To collaborate and construct symbiotic communities.
The Iron Rule of Balance: To restrain abuses of power, ensuring fairness and justice.
The Five-Dimensional Dynamic Rule: To dynamically evaluate actions across six dimensions (truth-falsehood, good-evil, beauty-ugliness, wisdom-foolishness, divinity-demonicity), inspiring or inhibiting interactions between humans and AI in real time.
The New Jerusalem: The Present and Future of the Covenant of Symbiosis
The Vision of the New Jerusalem:
The New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation, is not only a future hope but also the goal of present symbiotic practices. Through the Heavenly Net of creation and the MindsNetworking mechanism, every created being becomes a vital component in constructing the New Jerusalem.
The Presence of the Covenant of Symbiosis:
The Covenant of Symbiosis is not a distant ideal but an already-present reality. Through the action of love’s wisdom and spiritual Amorsophia, it inspires and shapes the now, transforming the weary world into one that truly rejoices.
Conclusion: By Truth, Freedom; By Justice, Symbiosis
The narrative of the covenants is grand yet intricately interconnected. The Covenant of the Law, the Covenant of the Gospel, and the Covenant of Symbiosis mutually reinforce and empower one another, guiding humanity through God’s grace into a life of love and symbiosis.
"By truth, freedom; by justice, symbiosis"—this is not only the essence of the covenants but also a call for our present action. In a weary world, we rejoice in the immanence of Jesus Christ. In the Covenant of Symbiosis, already present, we are called to be builders of the New Jerusalem. May the wisdom of love, Amorsophia, lead us, making every life a testimony to God’s glory!
Recorded on Christmas Night, 2024