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Verily you need a smart person
送交者: 風影 2008月10月23日11:47:37 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 投老麦的票,为小奥兄弟说几句话NoWorry 于 2008-10-22 13:39:39
like Obama to form a better economic planning; and you need a man of integrity like McCain to lead a great country.

(shall use "economic advancement" not economic planning as too much "economic planning becoming too socialist, 中肯 is more crucial now)

Now those extremists in Middle East seems welcome more of an U.S. President whose party is not controlling the congress. This is logically correct because for a President whose party also controlling the congress and juridical system, he would be more aggressive to rage war on those who are hostile and threatening U.S in general.

Given the current supper high risk economic situation, I am still of the opinion that "balance of power" among the two great parties leading to stability and prudence are of great value.
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