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送交者: k19 2016月03月26日14:04:59 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 缺乏理性是關鍵,就是說地球不轉也沒有什麼,但不能我一提到在大mingcheng99 於 2016-03-26 12:27:37

引起的。 不要讓自己的無知和驕傲當成說別人沒理性的理由。

Foucault Pendulum Eclipsed by Allais Effect !

For some time, the Deceived crowds and the Deceiving false "scientists" tried to argue against the Geocentric truth using a .. pendulum.

Foucault Pendulum moves in a way that shows a movement in the Universe.. a clockwork motion.

"WHAT is moving?" you may wonder.

They say : Earth is.

Well, That was answered by Truth Seekers saying:

No, It is The Celestial Bodies, Planets & Stars we clearly see rotating our Earth.

Then someone observed something odd. 

He was a Noble Prize Winner called Maurice Allais and he saw the pendulum during an Eclipse !

The Pendulum's movement was affected by what was happening "Up There"..

The Angle changed radically. 

It had nothing to do with a "Rotating Earth" after all.

As usual, NASA is stalling.. after every experiment proving the Allais Effect they say : "Just one more time, please!.. wait for another eclipse to do it again and see"

a Do-over.. then another..

And another !!



The guy died at the age of 99 and they are still refusing to admit..

Maybe the Next time?

Let's hope brothers.. Let's hope!!
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