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Good bye, my friends
送交者: jingchen 2018年01月03日17:25:25 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

過新年,不得不趕回北方,準備上班。聽到 Farewell Slavianka. 模仿着寫了一首, 祝大家新年快樂!

Good bye, my friends 

(A parody of Farewell Slavianka)

Here comes the moment to say goodbye 

You give me a warm hug

You give me a bright smile 

But cold wind is blowing outside 

The air is chilly and trembling 

Anxiety spreads all over me 

The North is calling me back 

I have no choice but to return 

Goodbye, my friends 

Remember me 

Goodbye, familiar faces 

Forgive my hasty farewell 

Goodbye, my friends 

Remember me 

Goodbye, familiar faces 

I might not come back 

Fly, fly, the plane flies

Buildings disappear in the background 

In the plane

In the blue sky

See the shining snow below 

In the plane

In the blue sky

See the shining snow below 

Mountains, forests and steppe

The early dawn meets the evening twilight 

Won’t forget your warm farewell 

Recall your kindness from time to time 

Goodbye, my friends 

Remember me 

Goodbye, familiar faces 

Forgive my hasty farewell 

Goodbye, my friends 

Remember me 

Goodbye, familiar faces 

I might not come back 

Goodbye, my friends 

Remember me 

Goodbye, familiar faces 

I might not come back 

A link to the original song 



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