How to learn English effectively?
Many of us spend a lot of time learning English. But very often, we could not speak English as fluently as we wish. To learn English effectively, the key is to learn English as a native speaker as much as possible. There are several specific methods.
First, read a lot of picture books. We might think picture books are too simple for us. But picture books are the best way to connect English words to the real world directly without the translation from Chinese. Gradually we will develop the habit to think in English.
Second, listen and watch videos. When we listen in English, we have to process information very fast. We don’t have time to translate into Chinese. Overtime, we will get used to thinking in English. To help us understanding, it is very helpful to watch videos so we can see the actions. When we become comfortable listening, we can leave the radio on often. We can naturally improve English just by listening.
Third, read fun books. We often feel obligated to read professional books and textbooks. But these books are often not that attractive. Read whatever books that attract you most. Only when you are attracted by the stories, you will be truly immersed in English language.
Fourth, write in English as much as possible. We often worry making grammatical mistakes and are reluctant to write. The hell with grammar! Most of time, others understand what we write. That is what matters. When we write, we will pay more attention to how other people write. That will improve our English quickly.
Fifth, don’t waste time on grammar. When we listen and read often, our grammar is correct most of the time anyway.