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Impotent and Important
送交者: jingchen 2020年11月07日06:16:47 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

Impotent and Important


Being potent

You have potential

Being potent

You become the threat of the rulers


You have to become impotent

To relieve the fear of kings

You have to be impotent

To be important


You have to become an eunuch

To gain the trust of kings

You have to come through affirmative action

To gain the trust of the rulers


You have to castrate your brain

To relieve the suspicion of the elite

You have to dumb yourself down

To relieve the fear of the elite


But you can never completely dumb yourself down

But your brilliant brain always has great potential

You can never relieve the fear of the elite

No matter how hard you try to dumb yourself sown


My dear brother

Don’t sabotage yourself any more

Don’t castrate yourself any more

Don’t dumb down yourself any more


My dear brother

Let’s fight the good fight

Let’s endure to the very end

Let’s keep the faith


The faith that through our blood and life

The world will become a more fertile place

The world will become a fairer playground

The world where our brothers don’t have to sabotage ourselves

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