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Dark Matter, a movie
送交者: jingchen 2021年06月14日19:51:46 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

Dark Matter, a movie



                                                                                                 He is dashing to his dream

                                                                                                 Only to see his dream dashed



This 2007 movie is about Liu Xing, an aspiring PhD student in physics.


Professor Reiser, the supervisor of Liu Xing, commented: “He is a brilliant guy. But unfortunately, he is not a team player.” Reiser also said: “I am sure he will get his doctorate, someday. … He will make a lasting contribution to cosmology someday, somewhere.” With this, he announced the death penalty of the academic career of Liu Xing.


Most people accepted their death penalty on their academic career silently. But a few didn’t. Liu Xing bought a gun and killed his PhD supervisor and his circle, then himself.


Most original thinkers are not team players. Some ages are more tolerant to original thinkers than others. Ironically, those more tolerant ages are often depicted as the age of intolerance in today’s media. For example, Galileo was a renowned researcher in his age. Pope of his time called Galileo “a great man”. But today, media often condemned authorities at that time for persecuting Galileo.


This movie is an accurate description of today’s academia. It paints a much more realistic picture of university life than, say Good Will Hunting. As a result, the movie is a complete Box office failure, garnering less than 70,000 dollar worldwide.


The movie can be seen on YouTube





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