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Easter on East
送交者: jingchen 2022年04月15日07:15:26 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話


Easter on East


Easter is the time of   rebirth. Easter   originated from Eostre, the goddess of dawn. Every dawn, the sun rises from   the east, symbolizing rebirth. Easter, a day of resurrection and   rebirth, dawn on east.


Eostre, the goddess of   dawn, is the symbol of youth and fecundity.


East is itaan in   Finnish. Eden is in the east.


We orient toward the   orient, the place where the sun rises. We orient toward the east.


In Turkic languages,   east is royal. The capital of Turkey is Istanbul, the royal city. The   presidential palace in Singapore is called Istana.


East is the land of   Easter, the land of rebirth. East is the land of fertility and fecundity.   East is Eden. East is where the sun rises. East is the direction where we   orient. East is royal.


At the holy time of   Easter, let us all orient toward the east and pray for the east. We pray for   rebirth for the east and the rest of the world.  


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