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送交者: NoWorry 2008年02月19日15:00:01 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

同志們, 朋友們


一是麥克老先生,這個共和黨的異類,成為共和黨總統候選人已經是既定的實事,既然是異類,不倫不類, 連本黨都不那麼情願支持他,他麥克想當總統那是黃梁美夢。嗨麗蕊同志成為未來大美帝國的總統已成定局。

二是毆巴馬小弟大小麻煩逐漸敗露, 功底不深, 經驗不足, 空洞無物已經逐步被人們所認識, 不要說總統美夢沒戲, 就連民主黨的候選人也是不可能的。

三是偉大的嗨麗蕊同志敗不氣餒,勝不驕傲, 堅持不懈, 勇往直前, 戰況可喜, 形式越來越好. 毆哈腰,太克塞斯,噴嗖維涅及其看好, 甚至維斯抗森都有可能勝選。

就如同偉大的無憂同志前兩天在的CNN, USATODAY 的跟帖所言。
“It does never, ever cross my mind at all that Hillary will lose this presidential election though I know she may face some great challenge from both her own party and republic party. She is just so experienced, intelligent and tough with a great political passion and vision. She is a great fighter and a super leader that our America desperately needs right now. Her idea and her programs are real and practical. She is a true deal that we need. I firmly believe that Hillary will win TX, OH, PA and some of the rest states where people have not voted yet though it will be a tough battle.
Go Hillary.”

“You guys are jumping up too early to make an assumption who should be the better running mate for the general presidential election, just like what Obama did to promise VA governor to be his adminstration lists, which is truly immature. First of all, there is not clear clue who will be the Democratic nominee yet.

Obama won so some states does not guarantee him that he will win rest of the states who has not voted yet. If you guys read carefully enough and know who voted whom in the last couple of weeks, you guys should realize that Hillary will have a great chance to win TX, OH, PA and some of rest states, and get even more super delegates, meaning that Hillary eventually wins the Democratic nominee and wins the presidency.

Election in this year is unusual and exciting, any prediction and assumption can be wrong unless you read hard data and voting records in this year.”

事實上, 無憂同志早在兩年前, 就預言如沒有極大特殊情況出現,嗨麗蕊同志是2008年最好的總統人選。 實事證明無憂是何等的英明偉大。 雖然, 現在半路殺出了個程咬金,毆巴馬小弟, 但他遲早是要離開瓦崗寨的, 要加入到嗨麗蕊姐姐的陣營里來的, 為嗨麗蕊姐姐成為下人總統, 衝鋒陷陣。

同志們, 朋友們

我們要“宜將勝勇追窮寇,不可沽名學霸王”, 尤其是那些還沒有投票的同胞們,特別是女朋友們, 要積極準備投嗨麗蕊同志的票。連無憂這個大男子, 黨外民主人士都積極為你們偉大的女嗨麗蕊同志煽動, 鼓動,拉選票, 你們這些女朋友不能袖手旁觀。 你們的男朋友, 男丈夫如果不投嗨麗蕊同志的票,你們要明明白白地告訴他們,老娘你跟他們沒完沒了, 要跟他們吹燈拔蠟, 斷絕親密友好關係, 看他們還有沒有那個賊膽不投嗨麗蕊同志的票?

同志們, 朋友們

投嗨麗蕊同志的票是偉大的, 光榮的, 正確的, 神聖的, 是史無前例的。

我們的投票是正義的, 正義的事業是任何力量也摧不破的。

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