Webcasting 2008
Webcasts 2008
Great news. You may be aware that we were able to webcast from the New York Center of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche in 2007. Again this year we shall webcast parts of our Summer Retreat Program! We do not have a thorough schedule of what we can webcast when, but stay tuned. You never know when we will be permitted to webcast some of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche's heart teachings.
Again, we are still tweaking the quality of our webcasts. Let us know any feedback you have as it helps us improve what you see. Thank you for your patience when things get broken.
Upcoming Schedule
Here is what we know so far:
7:00 AM (UTC/GMT -5)北京時下午7點: 早上共修Morning practice with the Palyul Monks
9:00 AM (UTC/GMT -5)北京時下午9點: 早上與法王共修(有時有法王開示)Morning practice with His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and Palyul tulkus, khenpos and monks.
Other broadcasts:
On Sunday, July 13, there is a possibility of broadcasting the Vajrasattva wang with His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. One cannot receive the full wang through the internet, but one can receive a blessing!
Short notice teachings
There is the possibility that other teachings will be broadcast at the last minute. If you are in interested in learning about these by email, please write list@palyul.org to be added to the distribution list for these special webcasts. Please include your class and class year if you have attended a Palyul retreat.
Click here to watch the webcast (when available - if not you will see an image of the blue side of Zangdokpelri temple, Namdroling).
URL: http://www.palyul.org/broadcast.htm
You can also find us via http://www.ustream.tv/channel/2008-summer-retreat or look for us under user name Palyul.
For more information about our current summer programs, please visit http://retreat.palyul.org.
We would appreciate it if you please help us by responding to this email with any feedback.
May all beings benefit!
Web Team - Palyul Ling International
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