從數字看亞裔在美國的哪個行業中最集中 |
送交者: 夜之流星 2011年05月12日19:54:38 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話 |
來源: 祖傳中醫688 下面是美國2010年人口普查顯示的數據(http://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.pdf) 我把亞裔從業人員最多的職業挑了挑,列在這裡,按亞裔才此行業從業人口的百分比排列。 作為參照,2010年亞裔在美國人口中所占的比例是4.8%。“亞裔”,包括老中,老印,老越,老韓,老菲,小日等等。 Miscellaneous personal appearance workers 51.4% (估計是指修指甲,美容,剪頭的那幫人) Gaming services workers 29.6% (賭場裡發牌的兄弟姐妹們) Medical scientists 28.4% (估計主要是老中博士後們 :D) Computer software engineers 28.0% (老中,老印技術WSN) Computer hardware engineers 26.7% (老中,老印技術WSN) Electrical, electronics, and electromechanical assemblers 22.6% (老中,老印技術WSN) Physical scientists, all other 21.1% Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers 20.9% Chemists and materials scientists 18.2 % Electrical and electronics engineers 16.7% Chefs and head cooks 16.5% (亞裔里出廚子) Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators 16.2% (端鐵飯碗的) Physicians and surgeons 15.7% (虎媽棍棒下打出來的高知識分子 :D) Pharmacists 15.1% Dentists 13.7%(虎媽棍棒下打出來的高知識分子 :D) Engineering managers 13.3% Taxi drivers and chauffeurs 13.0% (老印們) Parking lot attendants 12.8% Food service managers 10.8% Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians 10.3% Lawyers 3.4% Chief executives 3.2%(看來亞裔在美國要走的路還是很長的) |
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