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親屬移民和勞工移民的485排期不一樣.一般勞工移民是送到幾個service center的,而親屬移民則由local INS office排期決定.總之,從485到綠卡等上幾年也不稀奇.

另外關於回國,遞交485的同時可以申請勞工卡(EAD卡)也可以申請回美證(advanced parole),使用advanced parole可以回美,但回美的時候也可能被拒絕入境,所以沒有絕對的.有的地區可能在遞交485後很快就發EAD,也有的地方可能會先發放advanced parole.

485是專門給在美國境內調整身份的人使用的,所以一旦申請人離開美國(哪怕只是去加拿大),那麼該人的申請就等於自動放棄,所以遞交485後如果因為特別原因一定要離開美國,那麼一定要在申請到advanced parole之後,否則就不可能繼續用485等綠卡了。如果你的老公是綠卡申請的主申請人,那麼可能取消的可能只是你自己的綠卡機會;如果你是主申請人就不清楚了。advanced parole本來只是給人用來應急的,不過如果是在想回國就試試吧,否則熬過1年可能就等到綠卡了。

註:一旦遞交了485表,申請人的身份就是AOS(Adjustment of Status),如果申請前是學生身份,那麼485遞交後該學生身份就實效了。在485批准前,申請者屬於AOS,如果申請被拒絕,那麼也不可能恢復之前的非移民簽證身份了。持H1工作簽證有些例外,因為H1雖然是非移民簽證但是准許有移民傾向,而學生簽證是不允許的。

Travel While Adjustment of Status is Pending

During the Adjustment of Status process, applicants are considered to have abandoned an application if they leave the U.S.; however, two important exceptions apply.

An application for adjustment is not considered abandoned if the applicant receives advance permission to travel outside of the U.S., otherwise known as "Advance Parole." Advance Parole may be granted for any bona fide personal or business reason, although often the purpose for the trip must be documented and ????ted along with the request. Please note that an Advance Parole does not guarantee that the alien would be allowed to re-enter the United States. Therefore, advice of Counsel should always be sought before the alien leaves the U.S.

The second important exception to potential abandonment applies to a valid H or L category status applicants who may travel outside the U.S. during Adjustment proceedings without seeking Advance Parole, provided:

1) the applicant intends to resume employment with the same employer for whom the original H or L visa was originally issued;
2) the applicant is in possession of a valid H or L visa and;
3) the applicant is in possession of the original I-797 receipt which acts as evidence of the filing of an Adjustment of Status application.

Dependents and spouses in lawful H or L status may also travel with the principal applicant as well, provided their dependent status remains valid per its terms.

Although the use of Advanced Parole by the holder of an H or L visa can prevent the abandonment of Adjustment proceedings, it may cause the cancellation of the H or L status of the holder.

值得注意的是:“an Advance Parole does not guarantee that the alien would be allowed to re-enter the United States.“,所以即便有advanced parole不表明持有者肯定可以入境。

再有就是通過工作(H1)申請綠卡的,如果使用了advanced parole回美國,那麼申請人原來的H1簽證就作廢了,所以一般律師都建議在遞交485後仍然保持H1身份,也就是不用以調整身份為由而申請的EAD工作,也不使用advanced parole,這樣萬一你的綠卡申請被拒絕,還可以繼續合法的H1工作簽證。

使用advanced parole的危險性:

While advanced parole is a convenience for those who qualify, it is not always a harmless process. There are some dangers inherent to those applicants who get advanced parole. If the applicant was unlawfully in the United States for 180 days or more before filing the adjustment of status application, the applicant will be subject to the three (3) year bar upon returning to the U.S. If the applicant was unlawfully in the United States for 1 year before filing the adjustment of status application, the applicant will be subject to the ten (10) year bar upon his or her return. This means that the applicant will not be allowed to enter the United States for a period of either three or ten years (depending on the length of unlawful presence) if he or she leaves the U.S. before the adjustment of status application is approved. This is true even if the applicant obtained advance parole before leaving the U.S. There is another danger for an applicant who obtains advanced parole.

advanced parole FAQ

1. What is Advance Parole?
Advance Parole is a document for certain aliens, who do not have a valid immigrant visa or non-immigrant visa, to re-enter the United States after traveling abroad. Such aliens must be approved for Advance Parole before leaving the United States. If they have not obtained Advance Parole prior to traveling abroad, they will not be permitted to re-enter the United States upon their return.

2. Who needs an Advance Parole?
Aliens in the United States who have:
i)an application for adjustment of status pending;
ii)been admitted as a refugee or have been granted asylum;
iii)been granted benefits under the Family Unity Program;
vi)an urgent personal or bona fide reason to travel temporarily abroad.

3. What are the purposes of Advance Parole?
There are two purposes for advance parole:
i) It enables an alien to come back to the U.S. after traveling abroad without the necessity of obtaining a visa to the U.S.
ii) It preserves whatever the application pending at the INS. The alien is paroled outside of the U.S. and their application, such as the application for adjustment of status continues to be effective.

4. How does one obtain Advance Parole?
To apply for Advance Parole, please ???? PDF Document - INS Form I-131 (4 pages):

5. Does an Advance Parole guarantee the admission into the United States?
No, Advance Parole, like a visa to the U.S., does not guarantee admission into the United States. Aliens who have obtained Advance Parole are still subject to the INS inspection process at the port of entry.

6. Can travel abroad have severe consequences for aliens if they have not obtained Advance Parole?
Yes, due to changes to U.S. immigration law, travel outside of the United States may have severe consequences for certain aliens who are in the process of adjusting their status or changing their nonimmigrant status. Such aliens may be found inadmissible to the United States upon return and/or their applications for adjustment or change of status may be denied.

7. How long does it take to get an Advance Parole?
It usually takes about two months for the INS to process an Advance Parole.

8. What is the valid duration of an Advance Parole?
One year. An alien may make multiple entries into the U.S. by using an Advanced Parole.

9. What is the difference between an Advanced Parole and a Re-entry Permit?
An Advanced Parole is issued to an alien who does not have permanent resident status. A Re-entry Permit is issued to a permanent resident of the U.S. On the appearance, an Advanced Parole is a piece of paper with the alien's photo whereas a Re-entry Permit looks like a passport. An Advanced Parole functions like a visa to the U.S. while a Re-entry Permit functions sometimes like a passport. In another word, an alien with an Advanced Parole still needs a foreign passport to enter into the U.S. while a permanent resident with a Re-entry Permit does not need a foreign passport to enter into the U.S.

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