辦公室里最不受人待見的五種行為 |
送交者: 夜之流星 2013年07月16日22:36:08 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話 |
每個職場人應該都清楚,歧視和騷擾等嚴重的不當行為會導致自己被公司解僱。但不少人會並不明白,一些小問題也會影響工作效率,還會在你和同事之間築起高牆。 "Those little annoyances, like having a really sloppy work area or being a disgusting desk eater, can loom large," says Charles Purdy, senior editor at jobs site Monster.com.招聘網站Monster.com的高級編輯查爾斯•珀迪(Charles Purdy)說,“這些讓人討厭的小事情都可能會成為大問題,比如工作區邋遢不堪,或者在辦公桌上吃相噁心。” To avoid negative judgments from your co-workers, experts advise avoiding the following behaviors.為防止同事對你做出負面評價,專家建議避免以下行為。 1. Sucking up to the boss 1. 巴結老闆 The boss's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negativejudgments, says Meredith Haberfeld, a New York-based executive and career coach.紐約的高管和職業培訓師梅雷迪思•哈伯費爾德(Meredith Haberfeld)說,為博取老闆歡心而不惜犧牲同事利益的人會招致不滿。 For example, Ms. Haberfeld consulted for a human-resources company where a junioremployee pointed out his co-workers' mistakes after errors had been made.比方說,哈伯費爾德曾為一家人力資源公司做過諮詢,該公司有一名資歷較淺的雇員會在同事犯錯之後指出他們的錯誤。 'He created ill will with his colleagues because he didn't ever go to them to provide any insights while he saw the ship sinking,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'Nobody wanted to work with him.'哈伯費爾德說,“他這種做法讓他和同事之間產生了矛盾,因為他看到船下沉的時候總是袖手旁觀。誰也不想和他一起工作。” Trying to take work from your colleagues, or take too much credit, are also bad moves.把同事的工作攬過來自己做,或者把太多功勞歸到自己名下也是不好的做法。 'These people are seen as overly self-interested and therefore untrustworthy and difficult to work with,' Ms. Haberfeld says. 'At a certain point, to go further in your career you need to not just be liked by your boss, you need support from your peers and people more junior.'哈伯費爾德說,“這些人在同事看來是過於自私,因此不值得信賴,也很難共事。從某種意義上來說,要想在事業上有進一步發展,你不僅要贏得老闆賞識,也需要獲得與你資歷相當以及比你資歷淺的同事的支持。” 2. Negativity 2. 消極抱怨 The occasional bit of gossip can relieve stress. Too much can make you look bad.偶爾八卦一下可以緩解壓力。但說太多閒話則會給人留下不好的印象。 'Sometimes it's fun to talk about the boss, but the person who is always complaining is widely disliked as well,' Mr. Purdy says. 'Toxic negativity makes people feel like you are not a good co-worker. People associate negativity with you.'珀迪說,“有時候八卦一下老闆很好玩,但總發牢騷也會引起周圍人的厭惡。消極抱怨會讓人感覺你不是個好同事。人們會對你持否定態度。” According to a 2011 Monster.com survey, respondents reported that among their co-workers' impolite behaviors, gossiping 'ticked them off,' along with texting during meetings, being too loud and leaving a mess. Monster.com2011年的一項調查顯示,受訪者認為在同事的不禮貌行為中,說閒話、開會時發短信、說話太大聲和留下一堆爛攤子都“令人惱火”。 Employees also are judged when they interrupt colleagues, or ignore or discount others' ideas, says Peter Post, author and great-grandson of etiquette expert Emily Post.禮儀專家埃米莉•波斯特(Emily Post)的重孫、作家彼得•波斯特(Peter Post)說,如果在同事說話時插嘴,忽視或者輕視其他人的看法,也會被同事挑刺。 'Those are the kinds of things that people remember for a long time. You are really attacking the person and belittling them,' Mr. Post says. 'They see you as a bully, and don't want to interact with you.'波斯特說,“這些事情別人會惦記很長時間。你這樣做真的是在打擊和貶低別人,他們會覺得你盛氣凌人,不想跟你來往。” Complaining about 'inappropriate' behavior that is, at worst, slightly off is also a problem. 'It feels really condescending,' says Art Papas, founder of TheFit.com, a website where workers complete anonymous surveys about companies' cultures. 'Just because you're offended that doesn't mean you have to broadcast it.'為頂多算是略顯不妥的“失當”行為大發牢騷也是一個問題。職業諮詢網站TheFit.com的創始人阿特•帕帕斯(Art Papas)說,“這種行為真的給人一種居高臨下的感覺,不是說你受到冒犯就應該搞得眾人皆知。”職場人士可以在TheFit.com上填寫有關公司文化的匿名調查問卷。 3. Messiness 3. 邋遢 Messiness, particularly in communal areas and shared workspaces, can breed negativejudgments.邋遢(尤其是在公共區域和與別人共用的辦公區域)可能會引起同事的負面評價。 'Food that's left to become some sort of other thing in the refrigerator is really frustrating,' says Mr. Post.波斯特說,“把吃的東西放在冰箱裡變質真的讓人很不爽。” According to a recent survey from staffing and consulting firm Adecco, a majority of respondents said people are most productive when their workspace is clean, though some view messiness as a sign of being busy, and others see it as an indication of laziness.招聘和諮詢公司Adecco近期的一項調查顯示,大多數受訪者稱,在整潔的工作環境中人們的工作效率最高。儘管有些人把雜亂視為工作忙碌的標誌,但其他人會認為雜亂意味着懶惰。 4. Poor cubicle etiquette 4. 不注意“隔間禮儀” In offices with few doors and lots of cubicles, etiquette with regard to odors and noise is important.在門很少、隔間很多的辦公室里,避免異味和噪音是很重要的。 Microwaving last night's fish dinner for lunch in your cubicle today is a no-no. And your co-workers can sense if you didn't clean up after bicycling to the office.千萬不要在你的隔間裡用微波爐熱前一天晚上做的魚。還有,如果你騎自行車到辦公室之後不把自己收拾乾淨,你的同事們也能覺察得到。 But a loud talker may be the top offender. 'If you need to concentrate and somebody is yapping, it can affect your work,' says Margaret Fiester, operations manager for the human-resources knowledge center at the Society for Human Resource Management.不過頭號大忌也許是說話聲音太大。美國人力資源管理學會(Society for Human Resource Management)人力資源知識中心的營運經理瑪格麗特•菲斯特(Margaret Fiester)說,“如果你需要集中注意力,但有人卻在嘰里呱啦說個不停,這就會影響你的工作。” 5. Not fitting in 5. 與辦公室文化格格不入 It's important to fit into an office culture. That can include how you dress, and what you say.融入辦公室的文化是很重要的。辦公室文化中包括你的着裝和說話方式。 'I was in a meeting the other day and somebody dropped the S-bomb. The third time they did it, it became unprofessional,' Mr. Papas says.帕帕斯說,“前幾天我開會的時候有人罵了句髒話。他們第三次說髒話的時候,就顯得很不專業了。” There's also a code of conduct for email. 'Maybe someone is overly brusque, or is always putting urgent or cc'ing everything,' Mr. Purdy says. 'Bcc is almost always a dangerous idea.發電子郵件也是有規矩的。珀迪說,“有的人可能過於生硬唐突,或者總是在電子郵件上標註緊急,或者什麼都抄送。而密送在多數情況下都是一種危險的想法。” 'Transparency is important─it prevents you from seeming sneaky. If you are bcc'ing someone to get someone else in trouble, you are being the office jerk.'他說,“公開透明很重要──讓你不至於顯得鬼鬼祟祟的。如果你為了打某位同事的小報告而把郵件密送給某人,你就成了辦公室里的混蛋。” |
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