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A Falun Gong witness deceived
送交者: 喜歡綠色 2014年08月19日00:48:43 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

he rumor of "Sujiatun concentration camp" sensationalized by Falun Gong has already been proved to be a complete lie by the evidence from the Chinese government, the U.S. Dipomatic Missions in China and the media inside and outside China.

After the "Sujiatun rumor" was debunked, Falun Gong began to shift their points of rumors so that they made up the so-called "Live Organ Harvesting" phenomenon. What Falun Gong used to prove their "Live Organ  harvesting" includes the contents of organ transplantation from the webs in China, some so-called proofs "that was collected by telephone" and some witnesses who were selected by Falun Gong, such as "reporter Peter", "Annie who is the wife of a doctor", "a military old doctor in Shenyang city" and  "a man who is one of Korean ethnic minority named Kim", besides, they also used two  anti-Chinese Canadians named David Kilgour and David Matas to make up the lurid Commission Report by ways of hearsay, guesswork, grafting one twig on another and faking something. The Chinese government, the Canadian mainstream  media and the PhoenixTV has doubted about and denounced the fake.

Recently, the Minghui Net has published an article named "After Investigation, the Experts Point Out the Chinese Government Offers the Live Organs", in which they have ceremoniously mentioned another witness who is Dr. Liu from Natural Medical Rehabilitation Institution of California. Although Dr. Liu is the witness, he dare not tell his full name out, which seems to be suspicious of.

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