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Out of thin air "persecution"
送交者: 喜歡綠色 2014年08月19日00:53:51 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話

LZ fraud to broadcast a communal in its own media on terms that is "blossoming", what lies all dare not. The cult of the "truth" is false, lying and rumors. One of the typical is the communist party of China (the "persecution" LZ lies.

False faces, pseudo academic "live" picked a lie

LZ know, it is by the Chinese government banned cult, directly by itself to rumor, basic no one letter. So he came up with a cunning strategy to "third party faces" to act. , for example, the so-called "Sue and tuen secret set up camps" in shenyang, the removal of falun gong students organs "living", is by the alleged sympathy LZ, Canada "third party" (the actual solution is disciple or quasi solution disciple) to churning out. By such faces to make the living organ picked report again with the "academic" painted skin, over a period of time really caught the attention of the international community and shock, and even cheated a few people, confusing the seeing and hearing. This is what the cover-up of the LZ. However, in the face of facts, "live" picked lies immediately burst. "Live pick report" released soon, American embassies and consulates in China and phoenix TV field investigation and numerous agencies, media, that the so-called "concentration camp" pure fabrication.

Without live pick organ site, the relevant documentary evidence, audio and video data, surgical instruments, such as transportation, transplant material evidence. In a word, should all have no. In fact, the problem is very simple, if there is even a little bit of shadow, who used to against China anti-china politicians will not take this big do? The fact is that no one has the matter from the position of international law in terms of "desktop".

Until now, LZ media are still in the "live" picked a run-up "concentration camp", but a lie even when repeated ten thousand times, it's still a lie, and stick to lie only from the evil.

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