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embryo and embroil
送交者: jingchen 2020年05月21日08:54:18 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

embryo and embroil

Out of embroil
Comes embryo
All the conflicts, all the fights
Give us so much sorrow
Give us so much anguish
Yet out of the ash of the embroil
Comes new babies, comes new life
Give us so much hope
Give us so much expectation
Out of embroil
Comes embryo

Out of embryo
Comes embroil
All new babies, all new life
Give us so much hope
Give us so much expectation
Yet with their growing up
All the conflicts, all the fights
Give us so much sorrow
Give us so much anguish
Out of embryo
Comes embroil

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