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送交者: Palm 2006年04月05日15:55:10 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话


Rank County No. of millionaire households

1 Los Angeles County, CA 262,800
2 Cook County, IL 167,873
3 Orange County, CA 113,299
4 Maricopa County, AZ 106,210
5 San Diego County, CA 100,030
6 Harris County, TX 96,593
7 Nassau County, NY 78,816
8 Santa Clara County, CA 75,371
9 Palm Beach County, FL 69,871
10 Middlesex County, MA 67,552

Top Ten Millionaire Counties

The number of millionaires rose to a record level in 2005, and more than 1.1
million of them can be found in just 10 counties.

By Jeanne Sahadi

The number of American millionaires rose to a record level last year, and they
're disproportionately located in four counties in California, according to an
analysis released Tuesday.

Other states with counties that boast the highest number of millionaires
across the country are Illinois, Arizona, Texas, New York, Florida and

Nationwide, households with a net worth of at least $1 million excluding
primary residences rose 8 percent to a record high 8.9 million, according to
an annual report by TNS Financial Services, a market research and polling firm

The firm's survey found that the millionaire households had an average net
worth, excluding principal residence, of nearly $2.2 million, of which more
than $1.4 million was in liquid, or investable, assets.

Their overall debt levels, meanwhile, fell by 8 percent, from $179,000 to $165

Who's heading these households? TNS found the median age of the head of
millionaire households is 58, and 45 percent are retired. Roughly 19 percent
own in whole or part a professional practice or privately held business.

Over 50 percent of the millionaires surveyed said they had become more
conservative in their investment approach over the past year. Their wealth is
the result of long-term wealth accumulation.

Although real estate is not their sole source of wealth, it remains a staple
for many. Forty-six percent of those surveyed own investment real estate like
a second home or rental properties.

Seventy percent of the households, meanwhile, owned stocks and bonds, and 68
percent owned mutual funds.

The Millionaires Next Door: Ten U.S. counties with the highest number of
millionaire residents

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