Recently many of the main stream western media have developed into a joking image to many Chinese. I'm not talking about that some of the facts they mentioned are wrong. The way they put them together, their understanding, and the scary spirit behind (reminding people of Nazi time), are so typically reflecting a popular mental disease.
Everything is in the name of democracy and human rights, which are modern doctrines so often used as vicious weapons. Recently several journalists are forced to stop working because of their ‘pro-China’ opinions. That should only in China, right? They just speak out reality instead of illusion. Another black humor.
It would be a humiliation to an innocent baby, if I say this kind of media is in a glass house.
They would probably feel ridiculous and assaulted, if I say they are ignorant or brain-washed by their own educating system (as we Chinese are described, as if we live in their political science fictions), like a huge amount of other westerners who still live in the illusion of their glorious (but infamous) history and never had the taste to deeply understand things happening only 10 km away from their own world.
If I say there’s a sour grape effect, I feel a little shy.
But it’s simply true. They just got metal disease.
And it’s the true feeling of Chinese nowadays. After the desparatingly serious period before the Olypic games, when we found there’s no way to stop those kind of hysteria, we
simply laugh whenever we read the articles of or directly see those guys on TV.
Shame on it. Commenting on the things happening within a culture one never understands, is beyond his poor, narrow-minded imagination. They don’t know that wrongly-purposed speaking only creats deeper gap and hatred. Or probably they don’t care, since they have to live a life completely relying on mouth and pen. And I fully understand.
About their own world, I’ve got no energy to be so picky to put up one depressive image out of the ‘modern’ western society (based on my living experience both in Europe and America for more than 10 years). Since everything is ‘democratically’ (thus ‘rationally’) determined, it’s even more desperating, because there’s no hope to change. Everybody can see it, can feel it, although it is deep beneath the well-dressed, well-behaved, good-looking, and modernized apperance.
Still thanks for a lot of good-willing people around the world. They are really building up bridges, and they are the hope for this planet.
And dear western media workers, what I want to tell you is that, we Chinese always look on things positively, and you are on the other side. If you still want to keep on being ‘democratically’ depressive and ‘democratically’ unhappy in your own way, it’s your business. I believe you got enough psycho doctors around.
I just laugh at a monkey show.