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右撇子:做Android Developer可行吗?
送交者: 右撇子 2017年01月19日11:24:41 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

做Android Developer可行吗?

我现在也有个职业选择方向的问题,请朋友们提供一点建议. 希望这次不会再犯政治正确的错误了!


以前我干的老本行目前在加拿大不景气,工作机会很少。但美国有,如果自己愿意,几乎不会有问题。因为我以前工作的加拿大公司收购了一家美国公司,后来加拿大公司把大部分业务都转到了美国公司去了。当年我就是因为家中有老,不想去美国公司工作才被裁掉的。目前公司的高层我大多都认识。我也曾在美国公司做过一段时间,对那里的情况也算是熟悉的。我在两地工作加起来的时间超过了10年。前段时间我跟公司试探联系过,有个高管打电话告诉我,说有事找他就好了。因为我过去的经验在北美算是偏冷的,我不容易找其它机会,同样他们也不容易找到象我这样的人。因此,双方碰到一起时,反而合作的可能性更大。但是,过去我自己是有点不喜欢干这一行。曾经想转行。我喜欢电脑编程。早在2000年,我就利用业余时间参加了Computer  Programming 培训。但因为工作忙,最后没做project,结果没拿到证书。但后来自己去考Java Programmer Certificate。还做过两个contract project。至少把学费赚回来了!后来遇到911,IT机会少了很多,我只好回头干我老本行了。


但在我干老本行期间,我一直没有完全放弃对编程的兴趣。期间前后15年时间里,我前后做过十几个形形色色的projects(见下面),当然都是自己搞自己用的,并没有真正地在商业上应用。因此我的编程经验肯定比初学者好多了,但是比senior肯定也差一节。我的主要经验在Java,两年前开始用Android。因为Android 和Java 是几乎一样的,只是开发平台不同,所以上手对我来说很容易。几个月前,我做了两个Android projects,都放到Google Play Store 上面去了。IT专家们说移动应用将是未来十年发展的重点,现在Android 工作机会也非常多。我想往这方面努力。但考虑到自己的年纪,不知道这种想法是否可行?大多数人的意见是我应该干我的老本行去,理由似乎也是非常充分的。老本行可靠稳定。Android编程是年轻人干的活。但做我老本行有一个问题,需要搬家去美国,我家里有老人,跟我去美国没身份,没医保,这是个巨大的障碍!所以,做Android对我似乎又是一个不二的选择。在我业余时间里,我做起编程来会入迷,可以说是我的真正兴趣所在。但不利和限制因素显然也有,主要就是年龄。我50出头了。这个年龄真不应该干这行了,但我对此的确感兴趣啊!另外,我也没有在IT公司干过。我的resume看上去似乎非常吸引人,因为我做过的projects不少,只是都是自己用。说难听一点,质量可疑!几个中介也找过我。去年也得到一次Java的interview机会。但当他们知道我没有在IT公司干过,我编过的软件也没有在商业上应用时,他们就犹豫了。后来又得到一次Interview机会,但他们找的是Android developer,当时我虽然有Android 知识,但没做过任何Android project。正因为如此,我感到现在Android developer 需求很大。所以从那以后,自己赶做了两个Android app放到网上去了。有一个中介看到了,三个月前找过我,但当时我似乎已经放弃了做IT的念头了,所有没有回复。我都已经准备好适当时候去找以前的老板,做我的老本行去了。但两天前这个中介又找我了,所以现在我似乎又然起了做IT的希望。如果这个行,我就不需要搬家,这是比较好的结果。但象我这样的情况,做编程,虽然我喜欢,但合适吗?有前途吗?我越来越感到困惑。




另外,我刚刚完成再就业培训。拿到的是 Computer Networking Diploma. 当时很想学progrmming之类的,但这些培训是不受政府支持的,所以只好找个相关的 Networking。但我对找computer networking工作不感兴趣,虽然我培训的所有成绩都是A,除非有现成的networking 机会等着我。







1.        Android application1, XXX, Canada                                                            July, 2016

This Android application is very unique in its capacity of displaying multiple sites in smart phone screen side by side, just as what you do in a desktop computer. It is the first of its kind in the mobile application market. This application is very useful when a user needs to compare information in the same screen from different sources, such as online shopping. Besides multisite displaying capacity, it also has almost all functionalities of bookmarking in mobile app. 


2.        Android application2, XXX, Canada                                                                      April, 2016

This is an android application for mobile user who wants to search information online,but doesn’t like to type in the small phone screen. This application has been published online

The development environment: Android Studio, Photoshop, Linux, Mac


3.        Prime Number Search Project, XXX, Canada,                                                   Sept.  2015

This is a C program which was designed to search largest prime number. Originally written in Java, but Java code would take 25 minutes to complete just one calculation. When it was rewritten in C, it takes only 3 seconds to complete one calculation. This is a personal project. I did it in my spare time.

Environment: Originally it was written in Java, working in Eclipse, Linux OS. Later, it was rewritten in C, Linux OS


4.        JavaScript Project,   XXX, Canada                                                           June.  2015

Website:  http://

This project is just a demo. I used my JavaScript skills to create an animation website. I did it myself.

Environment: Windows, Notepad++.


6. Currency Trading (Java)                                                                            2006-current

This project started 10 years ago and was modified freqently and is still in evolution due to ever-changing need of currency trading business. I personally use this application to do currency trading in my spare time. For more detailed information and code reference see


Environment: Windows, JDeveloper, Eclipse, Linux


7.        Visual Basic Project (VB)                                                                                  2012

This Visual Basic program was written just for fun. It is working all right, but not for commercial purpose. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here: h

Environment: Windows, Visual Basic Studio, Visual Basic 6.0

8.        Restaurant Order Management System(Java),                2008

This Java application was written for a friend’s  restaurant. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here:  

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.

9.        Video Rental Management(Java) ,Canada,                                                 2007

This Java application was written for a friend‘s video store. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here: 

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.

10.        Stocks Trading(Java) , xxx,Canada                         2006

This Java application was written for my personal usage in stock trading. For more detailed information

and code reference, please see here:

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.

11.        Java application for my old job,XXX                                          2003

This Java application was written for my old job usage. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here: 

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper

12.        Suppliers & Customers(Java), XXX,                                            2003

This Java application was written for my old job usage. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here: 

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.


13.        XXX(Java), xxx,Canada                                                   2001

This Java application was written for a part time contract project from an online storage company which is called “XXX",xxx, Canada. For more detailed information and code reference, please see here: 

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.

14.        Java Applet & Swing(Java), XXX,Canada                                               2001

This was a part time contract project for a company which is called “xxx” in xxx,Canada. My duty was to code Swing components for the Applet used for trader online customer login. Codes is lost now and not available for reference.

Environment: Windows, JDeveloper.

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