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Bella and bellum
送交者: jingchen 2017年11月13日06:36:40 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Bella is beauty. Bellum is war in Latin. Bella and bellum always come together. Trojan war was fought over a bella. Pocahontas, the daughter of the grand chief, was a bella taken by the winner in a bellum, when British established its first American colony. Red River Valley was a song of a bella’s admiration for a winner in a bellum, when British soldiers smashed Metis rebellion. Bella and bellum always come together, in straightforward or subtler ways.

Appendix: The original lyric of Red River Valley 

O consider awhile ere you leave me,

Do not hasten to bid me adieu,

But remember the Red River Valley,

And the half-breed that loved you so true.

It's a long time, you know, I've been waiting

For the words that you never did say,

But alas! all my fond hopes have vanished,

For they say you are going away.

From this valley they say you are going,

I shall miss your blue eyes and sweet smile,

And you take with you all of the sunshine

That has brightened my pathway awhile.

So remember the valley you're leaving,

How lonely and dreary 'twill be;

Remember the heart you are breaking

And be true to your promise to me.

As you go to your home by the ocean

May you never forget those sweet hours

That we spent in the Red River valley

And the love we exchanged 'mid its bowers.

There could never be such a longing

In the heart of a pale maiden's breast

As dwells in the heart you are breaking

With love for the boy who came west.

And the dark maiden's prayer for her love

To the Spirit that rules all this world

Is that sunshine his pathway may cover

And the grief of the Red River Girl.

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