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Where is the exit?
送交者: jingchen 2019年08月16日17:11:54 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Where is the exit?

We went shopping at IKEA.  We already got what we need. We want to
proceed to the exit. But where is the exit? Usually, we follow the
signs posted by IKEA. In that way, we have to go through all the
shopping areas before we reach the exit. But we get impatient.

Instead, we tried to look at an unmarked opening. There we go! We find
the exit immediately. IKEA is a small place. Wherever we are, we are
close to the exit. But the store try to make us pass by every shopping
area before releasing us. They want to prolong our stay as much as

The same is true in other places. Canada has very generous welfare
systems. It discourages crimes. But Canadian legal systems are always
very busy, always behind schedule. Why? Let’s look at Robert Pickton
murder case. The case was crystal clear from the very beginning.
However, the legal system didn’t exit the case until it spent over six
hundred million dollar taxpayers’ money. A single murder case enriched
so many lawyers and make the careers of so many judges. With easy
money like this, no wonder it is so difficult for ordinary people to
get legal assistance.

So is the education system. A primary education used to be enough for
most professions. After all, a primary education is primary. Right
now, secondary and tertiary education are mandatory for many
professions. To qualify for teaching at a university, one has to go
through master program, PhD program, and often postdoc programs. Many
university teachers don’t exit the education programs themselves until
well into the forties, when their best years are already behind them.

We all have problems we wish to resolve. For each problem, there are people who know more than us. We enlist these experts for help. However, the expert don't just resolve our problem and kick us out of their office. They want to prolong their service, as long as possible. Statistics shows that four out of five drug addicts start with a physician's prescription, from which many never exit. 

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