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Seima-Turbino and ancient Chinese history
送交者: jingchen 2022年10月04日09:19:14 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

The Seima-Turbino phenomenon and the ancient Chinese history


The Seima-Turbino phenomenon is a pattern of burial sites with similar bronze artifacts dated to 2300-1700 BC  … The homeland is considered to be the Altai Mountains. The age is Bronze Age. The languages are Ural languages. These are horse riding nomads. They seemed to the center of the world at that time. They spread out rapidly in several generations.


Part of Altai Mountains is in China. The spread of these people must impact ancient China a lot.  That period of time roughly corresponds to Yellow Emperor time in China. The tribes of Yellow Emperor probably are Ural speakers.


But there is a problem with Bronze Age. Officially, Bronze Age in China started with Shang Dynasty, after the decline of Xia Dynasty, the dynasty connected to the people of Yellow Emperor. Could the Bronze Age in China be earlier?


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