let A=some GG, let B=some MM,
1. if A doesn't love B ^ B doesn't love A, then nothing to be bothered at all, both are happy
2. if A loves B ^ B doesn't love A, then not much to be bothered as well, A might be upset for some time and then be happy again
3. if A doesn't love B ^ B loves A ^ A cares about B, then A should hide B in a golden house
4. if A doesn't love B ^ B loves A ^ A doesn't care about B, then B might like to refer to 2.
5. if A loves B ^ B loves A ^ they get together, then it sounds like a fairy tale.
6. if A loves B ^ B loves A ^ they couldn't get together, then it might become the root of all sadness and tragedies.
7. if A doesn't know B ^ B doesn't know A ^ they feel each other, then it's a myth and sometimes called ideal
i am the one that turns fairy tales into reality.