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送交者: 山雀 2018月05月05日13:36:53 於 [攝友部落] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 太高深,太奧秘。真佩服。。。wjbh 於 2018-05-05 00:57:30

Your workshop ideal is very interesting. I’ll think about that. It didn’t take me 7 months to process an image, it’s the experiments with different processing methods took me 7 months. I combed the web for ideas and suggestions and tried on them. It’s a long journey but learned a lot.  A screen name is just a name, I would not read too much from it. But the reason I choose this one was because I have considered the chickadee/titmouse as my best friend, so much that I want to be part of them :)  They come to our backyard everyday, before seeing them, their calls and songs already fill the air. Those energetic sounds convey pure happiness about life, common and simple life. Here is my email: rckinglet05@yahoo.com, we can discuss further offline.

  謝謝你的回覆 - wjbh 05/06/18 (171)
    don\'t worry about it - 山雀 05/06/18 (163)
      Thanks  /無內容 - wjbh 05/06/18 (143)
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