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送交者: wjbh 2022月05月25日10:21:36 於 [攝友部落] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 兩隻飛鴨沒見過,感覺怎麼老是摔傷似的?天總是藍 於 2022-05-24 14:43:20

I read your discussion about Pelee. I am really jealous of the species of birds that you guys can see in the lower 48. I wish that I can make a trip to see the beautiful birds there. I had ourdoor walk early this morning and watched birds. Gadwall is not so often seen in interior. I only had some photos of a pair of this waterfowl from last year. I spotted them in a pond where is 30 miles away from home. But this morning, I feel so lucky that I saw two males just less than one mile from my house. Enjoy what you can see in your area.


Can you tell where are they?

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