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i guess it is
送交者: he11o 2008月08月07日17:51:18 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话
回  答: not exactly百步穿杨 于 2008-08-07 14:05:11
a mood of the pictures, not only the personality of the model appears in the pictures, the photographer is trying to create.

what is the mood of these pics? people would have different takes on what the photographer suggests. i picked the word "decadence" the minute i saw these photos.

i believe the photograher was in a decadant mood after she set up the lights, laid out the props, and placed the model in the scene.

decadent could also refer to a genre.
  请千万不要误解,我仅仅想 - 百步穿杨 08/07/08 (134)
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