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comment 2
送交者: UWB 2008月06月20日04:38:49 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 问题多:谈谈照片后期处理问题多 于 2008-06-20 02:15:15

i think the interpretation of the word 'waiting' should be clarified.
waiting is NOT 守株待兔. waiting here is a correct judgement and anticipation of what may appear/happen. this process will directly affect the outcome. But it is NOT the way of judging the picture's quality. To simply say a re-planned photo is better than a not planned is a bit silly.

The reason why the Masters are better, as I wanted to point out earlier, luck plays a certain role, but is not sufficient. He had to know where to place himself,
where to look, and when to look. He has ability to 'predict' in some sense.

Having said that, the element of 'luck' can't be ignored. Sometime things are there, some time they are not.

But you can't overlook the element of training and hard work.

And mind you, unlike today, many of cameras used then have manual winding. You don't have the luxury of taking 5 frames per second. To 'oversample' to get the 'prefect' result is out of the question. Even given the possibility of able to take 5 frames per second, does NOT mean you will cover the right moment for sure. It will only 'increase the chance' of having the right shot.

But (again a personal preference), street photography is not, in the extreme case, of having a video cam set up at a corner and pick whichever frame you like later and crop etc. Either you get it or you don't. If you didn't manage, try it again next time in a different setting - the moment is lost but that's life.
    my comment as: - UWB 06/20/08 (102)
      哦,明白了。  /无内容 - 问题多 06/20/08 (94)
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