单飞雀的争嘴 英美禅诗汉译
傅正明 著/译
"禅",梵文dhyana,意译静虑或静修(meditation),日人称为 Zen,乃汉传佛教揉合道家修持之一派,实际上并非佛家专利。渗透在各种文化中与静修传统相关的诗歌,看重精神证悟或接近佛理禅意的诗歌,可以视为广义的禅诗。
《英美禅诗汉译》重译或新译108首英诗,附加中文引论《单飞雀的争嘴》,囊括并论及欧洲文艺复兴时期的"独觉佛"威廉-莎士比亚以降到二十世纪"敲响禅"(Beat Zen,旧译"披头禅")诗人艾伦-金斯堡等人的作品。全书一部分以中国古典诗词形式迻译、衍译或译创,异化与归化翻译策略并重,一部分以自由诗体迻译,尽可能既富于诗味禅意,又贴近英语原文,力求达到两种诗歌文本形神俱似或功能对等的艺术效果。
?Chan(禪or Zen in Japanese),from Sanskrit dhyana, meaning "meditation", is an indigenous form of Chinese Buddhism interwoven with Daoism. In fact it is not a patent of Buddhism. The poems in different cultures related with the tradition of meditation, valuing the spiritual realization or near to the Zen Buddhist doctrine can be regarded as Zen poems in broad sense. The bilingual anthology 108 English Meditative Poems is a new Chinese translation with an introduction under the title "The Brawling of a Sparrow". It is edited in chronological order starting from William Shakespeare of the Renaissance known as a solitary Buddha (Pratvekabuddha) and finishing with the 20th century Beat Zen poets Allen Ginsberg and others. The translator tries to achieve an artistic effect of formal and spiritual resemblance or functional equivalence between the two poetic texts.