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听说你也是学数学的, 做做这个:
送交者: 要饭花子 2008月09月06日19:24:55 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话
回  答:  由 于
2 boys who live 14 miles apart start at noon to walk toward each other at rates of 3 mph and 4 mph respectively.

One boy has a dog joining their walking game at rate of 5.5 mph at the same starting time.

The dog runs faster than boys walk. Once it meets the other boy, it returns immediately.

Then, the dog returns again once it meets the master.
So the dog runs back and forth between two boys until two boys meet.

Question: how many miles has the dog run when 2 boys meet?
  你一定对dogs恨之入骨 - @%@ 09/06/08 (270)
      平水韵并非唯一韻部。我闪 - @%@ 09/06/08 (296)
        哈哈, 眼睛聪明, 一眼就看到天。 - 要饭花子 09/06/08 (272)
          噫,你蛮(!)有造诣的嘛 - @%@ 09/06/08 (246)
            哈哈, 老万一听什么水平韵就生气。老万喜欢的是中原音韵。 - 要饭花子 09/07/08 (181)
  聪明君子,别难为我了。 - 风丽 09/06/08 (209)
    哈哈,难得糊涂 - 要饭花子 09/06/08 (202)
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