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hei hei,稍微润色了一哈
送交者: 职老 2009月03月16日14:40:47 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 下雪了, 想到了她。 考试得了C, 也想到了她要饭花子 于 2009-03-16 14:26:12
on the snow street

in a cold wind, U and I

laughing like kids.

forgotting being your scholar

or my traffic increase

when the blue sky came out

you pointed out a not markovian,

but a self-appreciation- memoryless

whose state at time t is X(t), for t > 0,

and whose history of states is given by x(s) for times s < t is

if the probability of its having state y at time t+h,

conditioned on having the particular state x(t) at time t.....

as we were coming back

from a movie

i laid my lips to yours

and have no voice:

'what are shuffling and sieving?

are they

in books of Knuth?'

you turned away

and whispered

to my ear teasingly:

'you only wanted

to make an easy living

why bother

to find the truth?'

8 years later, alone (交不起学费, 在读 online 硕士)

tired in water

i wanted to come ashore

two roads in front:

true and false

i hesitated for long

then both blocked

and no other anymore

i kept myself afloat until

drowned in the sea

... my score

yes i got a C,

but so what?

now a life's call:

life is a gamble

give it all

rise or fall

give it all

stride, shamble or crawl

give it all

steady or tremble

give it all

my heart is full of random
  haha, my eyes opened up when - 要饭花子 03/16/09 (221)
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