一家权威数学杂志总编让俺代为把他的信送交阿立: |
送交者: 快活老人 2020月01月22日20:53:00 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 闲侃 快活兄冬晴是咏冬儿的哥的爸的猜想之证明 由 杭州阿立 于 2020-01-22 13:23:16 |
Dear Ali, It is my pleasure to inform you that your manuscript "Proof of the Gedebada Conjecture" is accepted for publication in our journal. In the attached please see the referees' comments. As you can see, all three referees highly admire your ingenious proof of the important Getebada Conjecture which you made the day before yesterday. Chinese New Year is coming. I am sure you will be able to get more interesting results in the new year. Of course, I wish you will submit all of them to our journal. Best wishes, Senio Gedebada |
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一周回复热帖 |
历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2019: | 《红绣鞋.新年血月》 | |
2019: | 集句诗谜四首,各打一字。请竞猜! | |
2018: | 青秀山记 | |
2018: | 《 自谑小照 》 | |
2017: | 下联:雄鸡一唱天下白。征上联 | |
2017: | 给母亲的悄悄话 | |
2016: | 杭州雪景 - 最美的时刻(转发) | |
2016: | 阿凡提游南京时的重大发现! | |
2015: | 活动-家乡小吃 | |
2015: | 活动:绝句一首打一知名家常菜 | |