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送交者: 杭州阿立 2023月02月04日05:47:46 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Google:快活老人 于 2023-02-04 05:34:54
Hong KongCNN — 

There are no suspicious circumstances in the death of a Chinese teenager whose body was found near his school last week more than 100 days after he went missing, authorities said Thursday, ending a high-profile case that had gripped the nation.

Hu Xinyu, 15, vanished from a private high school in China’s southeastern Jiangxi province in October. His disappearance became one of the most discussed topics on the Chinese internet, prompting questions about what happened to him.

At a news conference Thursday, Hu Mansong, deputy police chief of Jiangxi province, provided detailed information on the police investigation into Hu’s death — an unusually thorough account by the standards of Chinese authorities. He also acknowledged shortcomings in official search operations and accepted public criticism.

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