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送交者: 曹雪葵 2015年12月20日07:13:54 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話


唐代詩人杜牧名詩《清明》英譯 豌博

Masterpiece Poetry by Tang Dynasty Poet Du Mu "Clear and Bright"
Nonstop sprinkling during the Clear and Bright season,
Wary travelers looked like lost souls for whatever reason.
May I ask where to find a wine restaurant cottage?
Herder boy pointed remotely to Apricot Blossom Village.

Translator's Note: The Chinese Clear and Bright festive season occurs in rainy springtime during May when people traditionally take the occasion to mourn their lost love ones.

唐代詩人杜牧名詩《清明》英譯(跟風) 琴韻
豌博“中譯英”呱呱叫!俺就知道這一個 Pattern, 再跟風一個。

Drizzling drizzling, in the Qing-Ming period,
People on the road look so depressed.
Where can I find an alehouse, cowboy?
The village with apricot bloom is directed.

試譯杜牧千古流傳《清明》 邊砦

The Grave Sweeping days are full of rains,
Pedestrians on road look lost their brains;
Please tell where I can buy a cup of best wine,
The shepherd boy points to Apricot Blossom line.

交作業:翻譯杜牧《清明》 綠島陽光

清明時節雨紛紛,Drizzles on the Qingming Day are busy
路上行人慾斷魂。 Make people on roads feel self-pity
借問酒家何處有? “Where can I find a pub”?
牧童遙指杏花村 “In the Apricot village ”  a cowboy shout

試譯杜牧傳世名作《清明》 曹雪葵

Qingming Day rains his mourning tears,
Passers-by with their souls still by the tomb.
Nothing is better than a cup of double to warm up,
The cowboy points to a bar behind apricot bloom.

試譯杜牧《清明》 雨飄柔

It drizzles heavily during Qingming Festival,
On the way, the broken hearted people are ineffable.
Where can I find a bar, oh, sweet sheppard boy?
He points at a faraway Acripot Blossom Village with joy.

亂譯《清明》(英語、法語都沒學好,不怕砸磚) 侃侃

Dans la Fête Qing-Ming,
La Pluie Pleure, Mourns les Amoureux.
Nostalgiques Veulent Trouver un Bar,
Voudraient Se Lamenter.
Il Est un, Dans la Village acoté des Fleurs de apricot.

【再翻清明】 職老



when Spring full of raining in April
my drive is so lonely on highway 69
stop at gas station, cowboy
have a cup of rum before that dawn

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