秦國女王詩作《長相思 母親河》英譯 |
送交者: 豌博 2016年02月16日14:02:36 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
秦國女王詩作《長相思 母親河》英譯
母親河,生命河,百戰不屈降怪魔。流經蔡家坡。 天羅羅,地羅羅,羅網張開糧萬坨。炎黃兒女多。
“Miss You Forever Verse: The Mother River" By Queen of the State of Qin The mother river, a lifeline river, never yields during wartimes as all devils tremor. A slope on its bank named after the Cai clan as the original settler. Joining the sky from end to end, zig-zagging through the gigantic land, a transverse mesh of countless grain barns stand. The nurtured Chinese civilization is historically grand.
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歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2015: | 鏽蝕鏡和鑒世杯:《魯拜詩詞新譯 | |
2015: | 還鄉迫(多圖) | |
2014: | 請給“情人眼裡出西施”配個上聯!用無 | |
2014: | 自由體詩題圖:情人節的玫瑰 | |
2013: | [七絕] 自題 | |
2013: | [詩酒]定風波---醉春風 | |
2012: | 七律:感極寒阻春 | |
2012: | 【七律】春之梳 (2012) | |
2011: | 春草 -- 應紅班長詩召 | |
2011: | 詠梅同韻絕句九首 | |