禁槍嘆 |
送交者: 快活老人 2019年08月04日16:07:28 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
【五絕】禁槍嘆 又聞槍殺案發生,多少冤魂在美國上空徘徊! 槍案再而三, 禁槍真萬難! 自由雖甚好, 人命不值錢? 註: 今天的新聞 9 dead, 27 injured in Dayton shooting; suspect's sister among victimsJust about thirteen hours before the Dayton shooting, another shooting at a shopping center in El Paso resulted in twenty people dead and more than two dozen injured. What we can do to stop relentless gun killings in the U.S.? Acknowledgments: I would like to express my thanks to the authors of the above 3 online photos. (以上三圖片均取自網絡,特向原圖作者致謝。) |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2018: | 阿立嫂花盆二茬菜、冬瓜盅,高爾夫小鹿 | |
2018: | 七絕三首: 法22, 23, 24 (作業,兼和西 | |
2017: | 《長相思》家 - 文思詞曲. 望曹老師能 | |
2017: | 七絕 浮萍兼和各位詩友大作 | |
2016: | 《漁歌子 - 賀綠島夫君戴帽》(外一首 | |
2016: | 騎驢一首:腐儒自白 | |
2015: | 【釵頭鳳】閒中樂 | |
2015: | 《水調歌頭.向日葵》 | |
2014: | 自跋拙作之【沁園春】晴雯 | |
2014: | 活動:【玉堂春】青荷有夢 | |