水龍吟 三峽大壩建成 一個老水利戰線工作者及詩詞愛好者的嘔心瀝血之作
2003年6月, 三峽二期工程竣工。大壩臨時蓄水至135米高程,永久船閘啟用。10月首批機組發電。2006年5月傳來三峽大壩建成的喜訊。
(李白詩: 笛奏龍鳴水)
曹久鄉 作
進軍旗鼓。 5
1 據地質學研究﹐三迭紀 (二億年前) 時﹐長江流域西部是大海﹐與古地中海相通。三峽的形成是強烈的造山邉右鸕暮j懽冞w和江河發育的結果。古代民間傳說是神牛助禹開峽治
2 驪龍之珠。 三峽水能蘊藏量約三千餘萬千瓦。1920年孫中山先生首次提出建設三峽水利工程。
3 巫山神女。三峽大壩建成後﹐正常水庫水位為海拔175米。神女峰仍有七百餘米高程﹐供遊人仰望。波光巒影﹐霧鬢風鬟﹐儀態萬方。
4 西陵峽三斗坪﹐壩址所在的黃陵地塊為前震旦紀變質岩和侵入其間的花崗-閃長岩組成的結晶岩基底。岩體堅固完整。
5 1994年12月14日﹐三峽工程正式開工。葛洲壩集團有八千工人和技術人員進峽。風餐露
6 2003年6月﹐二期工程竣工。大壩臨時蓄水至135米高程﹐永久船閘啟用﹔同年10月第一
The English Version
Source of the tune name: “Music accompanied with bamboo flutes like dragons roaring in waters.” __ Li Bai__
The Three gorges Dam
The Yangtze River of ten thousand li comes from the west.
It surges forward to break through the block of Qutang.
The mighty waves are leaping skywards,
A divine cow helps him and to his strength adds,
Yu the Great wields an axe to cleave cliffs for discharging floods.
Water surges thunderously,
Cliffs on both banks are raging like sabres and halberds,
They are full of power and grandeur through the ages.
Some great thinkers pondered on angling with line and net
For the priceless pearl under the neck of a black dragon.
The mountain fairies are jealous of disturbing the peace,
But Wushan goddess Yao Ji’ll dance on the blue water surface.
The Xiling gorge is a scope formed by nature for dam.
Whose spirited ways act the leading role
In the coming grand prospect?
The outstanding figures come together in crowds,
Vehicles speed past raising a cloud of rain,
The workers march into gorges
With drums beating and colours flying.
They work in fields when the moon and stars remaining in the sky
And east in the wind and sleep in the open air.
But they attack hard tasks as brave as tigers.
Look. The rising sun is glowingly shining
O’ver the huge dam standing majestically,
And the light ships running a race.
1. According to geological structure, the west of today’s Yangtze River valley was an extensive sea linked with the ancient Mediterranean Sea. Geologically, the Three Gorges were formed by power orogenic movement, which turned sea into land, and land into sea and created new rivers.
An ancient story says that a divine cow helped Yu the Great in cleaving cliffs and taming the unruly rivers in this region. He succeeded in his effort after nine years. An in????ion on a stone tablet contains these lines. It is in the Temple of the Legendary Emperor (which is said to have been built during the Spring and Autumn Period, 770-476 BC) below the Yellow Cow Peak.
2. It is said that the pearl under a black dragon’s neck would be priceless treasure.
With water power resources totalling upwards of 30 million KW, the Three Gorges are most richly endowed by nature. In 1920, Dr. Sun yat-sen first conceived the idea of building a water conservancy project at the Three Gorges.
3. Yao Ji, a goddess of Wu mountain. After completion of the Three Gorges Am, the normal reservoir water level would be EL 175m. The Goddess Peak will tower 700 m. and more above. Even more attractive will be the boundless expanse of blue water with the reflections of the peaks standing around like a painted screen. The famous goddess Peak will appear in heights where one should look up and greet the visitors with its graceful face intimately. The misty vapour encircling the peaks looks somewhat like smoke, cloud or drizzle. People prefer to say that it is the veil of Yao Ji and her girls or their long hair on head and temple.
4. Sandouping of the Xiling Gorge (the dam site) is in the Huangling massif which offers a hard and integrated foundation of Pre-Sinian diorite and granite rocks.
5. On Cecember 14, 1994, the construction of the Three Gorges Project formally started. 8,000 and more workers and technicians of Gezhouba Group Corp. have entered into the three Gorges construction site. It is true that they lived in a hard condition where they worked in the field and ate in the wind and slept in the open air.
About the Three Gorges Project, please see “The Three Gorges-Gezhouba Project and Local Scenery”, published in English-Chinese by Water Conservancy &Power Press, October 1994.
6. In June 2003, the second stage will be completed, the storage-water level behind the dam will reach at an elevation of 135 metres, the permanent shiplocks will begin to function and in October of the same year, the first generators of the left power plant will go into operation.