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Sonnet XII (一晃八年)
送交者: 要飯花子 2009年03月14日16:54:20 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話
好久沒來。 向老萬, 紫鳥, 小欣問好。 還在要飯。 難啊。 harsh work has turned my legs to a balloon so that i drag my feet to find repose as my sunken eyes see the shiny moon my heart is pierced by gloom and pain hence grows when you and i held hands in bright moon ray you reassured me of your decision i thus withdrew my hand and walked away but memories had blurred all my vision whenever i now think of Concord's spring your eyes appear in mine and mine then weep: i wish to fly to you on the moon's wing to hear you breathe when you are sound asleep a man's sweetheart is carved in his fond heart his sweetheart's heart may well be far apart
  雷好!你的英文很好啊! - 風麗 03/14/09 (365)
    哈哈哈. 世界是我們的, 哈哈 - 要飯花子 03/15/09 (258)
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2007: 鄉趣
2007: 鳳凰台上憶吹簫-故城感懷
2006: 附《紅葉題詩》典故
2006: 三月夜裡我四處扒開河堤
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