櫻花與生命 |
送交者: xpt 2011年03月13日14:14:16 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話 |
To the lost lives in Japan's Earthquakexpt3.12.2011 As short as the cycle of life flashing on plume trees In March till May Falling petals of the bloom return to earth softly without a sound No regret, no sorrow no complaining as the mother tree still stands Waiting for next spring to come Standing silently is the mother tree not for lost memory or aged mind for she saw too much in life 's destruction She knows new petals will bloom in the next spring still quiet and splendidly as those ages long... |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2010: | 青玉案·倒春寒 | |
2010: | 詩: 回幼河紅豆 | |
2009: | 偶感 | |
2009: | [壽陽曲] 美國衰落 | |
2008: | 我的人生態度------學寫近體詩幾首,請 | |
2008: | [浣溪沙] 一江春水 | |
2007: | 《三月的》 | |
2007: | 七絕 春晨 | |
2006: | 《談藝錄讀本》選 | |
2006: | 唐宋詩詞的風格 | |