继续跑偏接龙翻译杜牧《赠别》激将老杜复活 |
送交者: 豌博 2016年08月23日10:24:05 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
中文原文: 《赠别其二》(唐 杜牧) 英文翻译:叉鱼哥: Eruptions passion faded faster than it came, 中文翻译:绿岛阳光: 萍水相遇,波波偶然。 凭杯调笑? 酒尽情干。 依依烛泪,秉夜虚幻。 游戏几何?与卿一玩! 英文翻译:曹雪葵: Meeting by accident in the duckweeds, 中文翻译:绿岛阳光 偶然相遇在飘满浮萍幽雅池塘 心波漪连如那随风而来的微浪 爱意悠悠上下好比漂流瓶一样 情火热烈燃喉我对你无言相向! 众所周知漂流瓶总有信笺一张 我这张或许也无价如海盗宝藏? 满心充满对你甜甜一吻的渴望 姑娘你我可携手升帆恋海荡漾? 英文续译: 豌博 In a polluted pond not pretty to see, layers of litter and gunk floating from modern human being carefree. Such a world ideal for propagations of duckweeds, an incidental encounter thereby sowing casual seeds. Love and affection ensues, along the wind flow and rippling effect of human subconciousness. Party time with drinking, flirtations and free kisses, affections abruptly subside as party ends. Only the candle tears still lingering.. while a human game endlessly in fashion. Pretty girl you bet I was unapologetically playing, will be back sailing together again in this sea of wrong-doing!! |
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