蜜大晋级冠军赛 杭帮菜阿立嫂庆功 |
送交者: 杭州阿立 2024年01月08日04:36:34 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
蜜大晋级冠军赛 杭帮菜阿立嫂庆功 --2024旧金山的小日子系列3 杭州阿立 2024年1月8日 首先报告好消息:我的新西兰电子签证昨天终于批准了!阿立嫂的签证比我晚一点网上申请的,当天(一周多前,12月29日)就批准了。 紧接着马上订机票,来回都是直飞,大约13个小时(旧金山和新西兰时差21个小时): 2月27日(星期二)旧金山晚上7点45出发,2月29日(星期四)凌晨6点到达奥克兰。 3月26日(星期二)奥克兰晚上7点55出发,3月26日(星期二)中午12点05分到达旧金山。 经济舱,两人总票价2681.20刀(包括苛捐杂税281.20刀)。 回到2024旧金山的小日子系列: 书接上集《两军相遇勇者胜 蜜大捧杯玫瑰碗》: https://bbs.creaders.net/poem/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=1669853 话说元旦玫瑰碗(Rose Bowl),下午两点在南加州帕萨迪纳开球。通常球赛3个半小时足够了。 晚餐阿立嫂负责,稍微准备了4只杭帮菜,略有调节,为了适应下一代以及阿立三世的米国胃。两只菜已经在家做好,带到小小阿立家,吃前热一下即可。 两只菜最好吃现做的,食材带到小小阿立家。阿立嫂掐着时间,5点半开饭。 谁知来了个加时赛。菜做好了也没心思吃。耐心等待球赛结束,6点了。赶紧开饭! 红烧鲳鱼成双: 鲳鱼上盘: 清蒸西班牙火腿、冬笋、鲜猪肉、老豆腐: 这次在华人超市买到新鲜冬笋,鲜味更足。谁知下一代米国胃,浅尝即止。阿立三世一口也没吃。 蛋烧肉: 蛋烧肉一大锅,销路也不太好。连同清蒸火腿鲜肉冬笋,咱们又带回鸽子笼。 小合影: 红烧去壳大海虾: 大海虾事先做好的,只是微波炉加热一下。大海虾最受欢迎。 杭帮菜庆功: 玫瑰碗,玫瑰代表辉煌(Glory): 球赛决胜者(The Game Clincher): 大功臣陆军主将布雷克: 小哥不仅破了米国大学橄榄球单赛季总达阵得分记录(most touchdowns in a single season),还破了蜜大职业生涯冲球达阵记录(career rushing touchdown record),56个touchdown(有兴趣的朋友请看文后米国媒体报导)。 欲知后事如何,请听下回分解。 下集《糯米藕奶油曲奇 米国胡桃杜松子酒》: https://bbs.creaders.net/poem/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=1670194 米国媒体报导蜜大陆军主将布雷克(Blake Corum): Pasadena, Calif. — It could not have been a more fitting setting for Michigan running back Blake Corum to set a second career record this season for the program when he scored on a 17-yard touchdown in overtime of the Rose Bowl national semifinal against Alabama on New Year’s Day. Corum's touchdown proved to be the difference in the Wolverines' 27-20 victory to earn a spot in the College Football Playoff championship. With the touchdown, Corum set the Michigan career rushing touchdown record, breaking Anthony Thomas’s (1997-2000) record of 55 rushing touchdowns. "He was not going to be denied," Michigan running backs coach Mike Hart said after the game. "That’s what I told (the coaches), just give (No.) 2 the ball. If you give 2 the ball, we’ll be fine. He’s a dog. Give him the ball." When the season started, Corum, a team captain and two-time Big Ten Running Back of the Year, He had 31 touchdowns, 24 from tying Thomas’ record. Heading into No. 1-ranked Michigan’s matchup with No. 4 Alabama, Corum’s 24 rushing touchdowns set a Michigan single-season record. He leads the nation in total touchdowns this season. On the first play in overtime, Corum followed left guard Trevor Keegan for an eight-yard gain. “He was just trusting our guards pulling," Keegan said. "I saw everything was all clogged up on that one play, bounced it outside and he followed me. I don’t know what happened on the next one when he scored, I just heard it. He’s just a special guy. You could see there’s something in his eyes. He was going to get everything done. He was gonna get it in there for us." |
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