zt得美国友人节日贺词,求高手翻译 |
送交者: Canna 2009年12月27日21:44:32 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
Wish (12/24/2009)
My dear friends: We’ve passed the winter solstice, hence days will cease to shrink; Whatever faith you have, and even those without - it seems healthy for all to enjoy a time of rest. I wish you good food, hugs from family and friends, warmth and peace - Henry Noer 本人胡诌两句, 望抛砖引玉: 冬至过后日渐长,且把信念搁一旁。亲朋好友喜得聚,共享美食祝安康。 |
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