英诗古译(之三) |
送交者: 傅正明 2011年04月07日03:19:42 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
英诗古译(之三) 傅正明译 杰弗雷. 乔叟(1343-1400年,英国文学之父) 原文∶ Canticus Troili from Troilus and Criseyde,Book I, If no love is, O God, what fele I so? And if love is, what thing and whiche is he! If love be good, from whennes comth my wo? If it be wikke, a wonder thinketh me, Whenne every torment and adversitee That cometh of him, may to me savory thinke; For ay thurst I, the more that I it drinke. And if that at myn owene lust I brenne, Fro whennes cometh my wailing and my pleynte? If harme agree me, wherto pleyne I thenne? I noot, ne why unwery that I feynte. O quike deeth, O swete harm so queynte, How may of thee in me swich quantitee, But if that I consente that it be? And if that I consente, I wrongfully Compleyne, y-wis; thus possed to and fro, Al sterelees withinne a boot am I A-mid the see, bitwixen windes two, That in contrarie stonden ever-mo. Allas! what is this wonder maladye? For hete of cold, for cold of hete, I deye.' |
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