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送交者: 曹雪葵 2015年12月02日01:21:13 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

《别董大》唐 高适



Masterpiece Poetry by Tang Dynasty Poet Gao Shi:
"Farewell to the Elder Dong Brother"

Yellowish clouds smear over thousands of miles as whitish sun turning dusky,
north winds are blasting flying geese while snow fall is unrelenting and flaky.
Don't worry no one can see eye to eye with you through your future endeavors,
anyone would recognize you under the sky wherever you head for your journey.

--- 读豌博这首译作,觉得在“信达雅”三个方面都很留意。全篇精彩!每句字数大致相同,句尾押韵为AABA,吟诵起来上口,是翻译【七绝】的 有趣尝试。好!唯

recognize you under the sky


译作二 和火兄再译《别董大》简洁版(边砦)
The sun is shrouded with miles of cloud mass
North wind blows flying geese when snows pass
Don’t worry that you won’t have a bosom fan
Whoever on earth doesn’t know such a nice man

--- 边砦兄这首真得和简洁!大赞!每句10个音节左右,AABB韵,句炼而达意,遣词造句通俗风趣。好!

译作三 【和楼下小火,并试翻别董大第一】(职老)
when dusty clouds shining by light sun
north wind blowing snow as geese wing
don't worry if you are driving without gasoline
everyone would know you like Jesus in the heaven


--- 职老这首“坚守”7字原则,好!剑走偏锋,力争新颖是译者的特点。最后两行之



译作四 中诗英译《别董大二首》第一(火风鼎)
Bidding farewell to Dong the Elder (I) of (II)
Tang Dynasty  Gao Shi
Translated by  Huofengding

Dusk cloud of thousand miles is to shroud a dim sun its rims dyeing,
North wind is blowing while wild geese are in swirling snowflakes flying.
Don’t worry not having close friends on your way, near or far,
Who under heaven does not know what a big name you really are!

--- 火兄这首“信达”固佳,但最精彩处却在“雅”!对“白日曛”的渲染比原诗刻画得更细致,颇合卦象之“晕”。末行“最中俺意”:

用“under heaven”之抽象含义来译“天下”似更传神;

而“know what a big name you really are”更体现“识君”内涵,名满天下是也。

译作五 英译《别董大》(vrchip)
别董大 Farewell Dong the Elder

Dimming sun shines on lingering clouds
The snowy wind blows the geese south
No worries about a destiny without friends
Surely known you are wherever on earth

--- 再赞chip兄佳译!颇多传神之笔:

别董大 Farewell Dong the Elder
--- 唐人喜欢用数字来称呼人,如董大,崔九啥的,觉得 Dong the Elder 译得非常传神!

The snowy wind blows the geese south
--- 这句妙!不说“北”,却blows the geese south。

译作六 高适的《别董大》(七分儿)

Blizzard storms shroud distant skies,
Birds long gone before North winds rise.
It’s not the end but a new beginning,
It won’t be long till good things are happening.






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