毛泽东《念奴娇 昆仑》英译 |
送交者: 豌博 2016年03月09日09:33:41 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
哈哈,译过苏轼《念奴娇 赤壁怀古》,顺势再译这首霸气的《念奴娇 昆仑雪》,兼和雨飘柔同学的完颜亮《念奴娇 天丁怒雪》译作。。
横空出世,莽昆仑,阅尽人间春色。 Patriotic Poetry by Modern Poet Mao Zedong "Niannu Enchantment Format: Mountain Kunlun" Ridging above the world and sky-encompassing, the monstrous Kunlun mountain, has witnessed mankind's spring of all seasons. Sending millions of snowy dragons up flying, altogether freezing the heavenly space. Snow melting away in summers, overflowing rivers, drowning humans like fish and and tortoises. Regarding its historical sins and merits, has anyone ever cared to assess? And now my take on the Kunlun mountain: too high in elevation, too much snow accumulation. May I wield a super long double-edged sword, slicing you into three portions? Awarding one portion to Europe, one to the US, and the other to the eastern nation. The whole world then in peace, these global imperialists just covet our warmth, they also deserve a serving of our chills. |
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