再次翻译 《一叶秋》 (by 曹雪葵)的下半首诗 |
送交者: 聊斋常客 2016年05月10日18:00:41 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
再次翻译 《一叶秋》 (by 曹雪葵)的下半首诗
一叶秋 by 曹雪葵(下首) 冰乃水初寐,灰因火已空。烛寒滴热雨,恨短吁长风。 醉将刀比月,醒借弈连城。窗养一湖墨,非蛇或是龙? 改动一下原译文末尾两句,押韵辙 -ing, 下半首英文翻译(3)可以如下: A Fall leaf by window (part 2) Ice is the water that just falls into sleeping, Ashes are residuals after the fire totally burning. The candle drips hot tears in night along with the cold raining, The life is so short, I want to cry with the windy long howling. A knife is compared to the curved moon when I'm drunk drinking, Battling the Game of Go, awaken by checkerboard, till last winning. By the windows, there is a pen and the dark ink ready for painting , By whose the signature likes a flying snake or dragon, it will become a scene of life-saving? |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2015: | 七律 读李商隐诗有感 | |
2015: | 咏蛙 四首(by 曹雪豆) | |
2014: | 【五律】 春燕 | |
2014: | 【ZT: 声韵启蒙】 | |
2013: | 骑驴折了腰 | |
2013: | [七律]无题 | |
2012: | 瓣与蕊 | |
2012: | 北极光 | |
2011: | 蜕变 | |
2011: | “記”“忘”之恩 | |