问月 |
送交者: 雨花小精灵 2016年11月19日09:12:44 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
感慨2016真是不平静一年。总统竞选更是让心潮上到风口浪尖。心久久难平,只能在此让诗友们分担。 浪淘沙
敢问月何堪, 今夜超圆? 国殇风暴不青天。 星陨梦凋心骤冷,魂魄难安。
抑或月失眠,满眼惶然? 清光更透九分寒。 何日驱魔生烈火,重暖人间? Super moon night How dare you, silly moon Turn up so perfectly round tonight As if nothing ever happened on earth around? The empire’s torn in the gust storm Dust filling up, leaving no space for blue sky beyond Like vampires’ suck, revealing the bloody red crust Any soul in peace able to cease the disappearing dream In full thrust?
Why care you, pity moon, Opening your only eye so wide tonight Even you lost sleep foreseeing the trouble ahead? Your pale light feels so icy cold Getting heaven frozen up, giving evil a chill slide Casting icing on the burning and sinking ground Any day near able to cool fuming souls and heal wounds In all shreds? |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2015: | 以《隰桑》为例说明:如何读懂一首《诗 | |
2015: | 苏格兰高地的白莲 | |
2014: | 【沁园春】 贺曹兄荣升班主 | |
2014: | 活动,按律赋诗:半山寺 | |
2013: | [新诗] 悠长 | |
2013: | 秋日的告别-给我的弟弟 | |
2012: | 一韵到底是歌词:那英的《征服》 | |
2012: | [音乐随笔] 烟雨江南----陈悦《梦回鄂 | |
2011: | 申时行:(诗)荒丘 (story of a vampi | |
2011: | 散文诗:月色3百步 | |