也来翻译泡尔邱兄的《今晚》 |
送交者: 杭州阿立 2018年03月13日11:22:01 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话 |
阿立注: 海风诗社堂主邱辛晔兄今天转发《中外笔会》的“替劳动者发声:瑞士作家安妮特笔下的社会主义”电子专辑。 里面收了泡尔.邱兄的两首诗。都由枫雨(Jane Jiang)精彩译成英文。 第一首的会友欢杯即兴诗,对俺酒仙脾气。那也来玩一玩鹰文欢译。 2018年3月13日 也来翻译泡尔.邱兄的《今晚》 Tonight by Paul Qiu Translation by 阿立 3/13/2018
Nothing to care for but a drink
Bygones long bygone why from the glass past stares back
My grey hair displacing and exile even a small trace No nothing would I care Though half drunk Your words I feel admire, and resonate
Only a drink brings back passionate past Can the glass bear all that mighty weight
What you see is what you get when I seem out of control on stage Except the stage was never there
今 晚 (美国) 邱辛晔
我不管宇宙天地 只要一杯酒
以为忘记的时候 我向杯中望去 宇宙在其中冷眼
我的华发 我流浪和放逐的痕迹 不要,不要扯进什么 天地万物 即使喝到半醉 你的话我也为之倾心 心证和同情的认同
今晚我只要一杯 回到豪气万丈的那年 但那杯怎能承受 如此之重
你看见的就是对的 我在舞台上张狂的那刻 其实剧场还未搭建
* 2017年3月29日于纽约思渊堂接待汪兄涌豪饮宴接谈甚快意。突有此意,一气呵成。 谢邱兄分享枫雨的英译: Poem by Paul Qiu Translated by Jane Jiang Tonight
Tonight I don’t care universe but only care a glass of drink
The moment I thought I’ve forgotten I look at my glass Universe, inside of it, looking at me too, with cold eyes
My grey hair My traces of wandering and exile Don’t, don’t blend with everything in the world Even if I am half-drunk Your words still tempt me Agreed with heart and sympathy
I only care a glass of drink tonight Back to the year with passion But how the glass bears the weight of life Which is too heavy
What you’ve seen is right I am insolent at the stage--- The theater that is not set up yet actually
Notes: I met my friend Mr. Wang and had a great time together, drinking and laughing and talking... Therefore the poem pop up in my head and I finished it in a second. |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2017: | 七律 过廊桥兼和绿岛,正明兄 | |
2017: | 交作业 《敕勒歌.觅食》 | |
2016: | 《小路》 | |
2016: | 《竹里馆》赏析(附录江南拙笔) | |
2015: | 如果有来生,我会采摘更多的稚菊 | |
2015: | 说梦景 | |
2014: | 最情觞的组合:天涯 明月 刀 | |
2014: | 七律--夜雨 | |
2013: | [解语花作业]【七律】栀子花 | |
2013: | 鹧鸪天 凤仪亭 | |