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波兰甜甜圈日 增肥星期二高脂高热量
送交者: 杭州阿立 2023年02月21日05:30:32 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

波兰甜甜圈日 增肥星期二高脂高热量


2023年2月21日,Paczki Day

今天是波兰甜甜圈日(Paczki Day),米国的增肥星期二(Fat Tuesday):波兰-米国传统节日。Paczki是复数,读音为Poonch-key(有的地方读成 punch-key)。Paczki比米国甜甜圈(Donuts)严重更高脂肪、高热量几倍,更美味馋人、增肥首选,为了应付由第二天的圣灰星期三Ash Wednesday)开始的斋戒四旬期Lent)。


先看咱们蜜州州立大学的介绍Paczki Day


Pączki Day: A Polish tradition becomes an American tradition

What do you know about the Polish-American tradition celebrated on Tuesday before Ash Wednesday? You may have heard it called Fat Tuesday.

A most popular Polish-American tradition is celebrated on Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. You may have heard it called Fat Thursday or Tłusty Czwartek (pronounced Twoosti Chvartek). In Polish-American culture, Pączki Day (punch-key) is a once-a-year event and is only celebrated on Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, which always falls in the seventh week before the Christian holiday Easter.  It is speculated that in the U.S., the Polish communities have adopted Fat Tuesday as Packi Day to fit in with the general festivities when they immigrated to the U.S. 

People will ask for pączkis, not realizing that pączki is already the plural of pączek (punch-ek). Pączki are very rich donuts, deep fried and then filled with fruit or cream filling and covered with powdered sugar or icing.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Traditionally, Lent was 40 days of fasting, meaning only one meal a day and full fasting on Friday. Any rich foods were not allowed. The Tuesday before Lent, people of Poland used up food so that it would not be spoiled or wasted. Families would use up their eggs, butter and sugar and fruit by treating themselves one last time before Lent began with these rich donuts. This tradition was started in the medieval age during the reign of August III.

In the United States, Paczki Day was always popular in the Polish communities from the beginning of the 20th century. Polish immigrants settled in different parts of the U.S. such as Detroit, Michigan; Baltimore, Maryland; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Saginaw, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Buffalo, New York; and especially Hamtramck, Michigan, where the Polish bakeries would have pączki for sale on Fat Tuesday morning. In smaller communities, it was the local Polish parish that came together to make and sell pączki.

Recently, Pączki Day has expanded as more people have heard about this Polish tradition and want to become a part of this tasty holiday. Paczki can be found up to a month before Fat Tuesday in almost every food store: deli, grocery and bakery. People just cannot pass up a delicious food holiday and Pączki Day can be considered one of the best. To learn more, I would encourage research into the history of the settling of Polish immigrants in the U.S.





昨天去家附近的连锁大超市买了三款不同风味的Paczki : 柠檬(Lemon,巴伐利亚奶油(Bavarian Creme,苹果(Apple):

0-0 Paczki 2-20-2023.jpg





1-1 Lemon.jpg


1-2 Bavarian Creme.jpg


1-3 清咖.jpg


1-4 lemon-Bavarian creme.jpg



1-5 Apple.jpg


    如果叫donuts就不是波兰的。必须叫 Paczki才是。 - 杭州阿立 02/21/23 (34)
      喔,学习了!  /无内容 - 秋韵 02/22/23 (43)
  看着也知好吃!阿立兄应该贴出照片显示增肥效果!  /无内容 - 快活老人 02/21/23 (51)
      吃得不够哇!再去买来天天吃,直到吃出效果来!  /无内容 - 快活老人 02/21/23 (61)
        买了三盒,吃几天。不能放太久了,哈哈。当然也不能天天 - 杭州阿立 02/21/23 (41)
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