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送交者: 秋念11 2023年05月22日12:16:53 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

This time G7 Kishida chose to be in Hiroshima, ruthless enough! forced Biden to play a cat crying ugly drama...

But Biden has no way, because in the future Japan will need to be anti-China cannon fodder, so that more people may die than Hiroshima. If you want to take it, you must give it first.

Although the Hiroshima Declaration was ridiculed by Taiwanese, even if it was to be written occasionally, there was no way to make China heavier... In other words, anti-Chinese words, full marks.

The United States is only interested in China.

The Hiroshima Declaration has many promises of world economic development and prosperity... Although very hollow. This can't be helped, because the West, especially the United States, in terms of industrial capacity construction and manufacturing, is empty, only military exports are numerous, but few countries are interested in fighting, so they can only make as much fuss as possible in the virtual economic field.

In fact, as long as you look at the United States and India, to build a railway for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, you can know that the United States in order to compete with China, regardless of anything, jokes do not care, to know that the two most famous countries in the world for rotten railways, I am afraid that the United States and India.

Therefore, the Hiroshima Declaration talks about the promise of world economic development and prosperity, and it is entirely aimed at competition with China... It's like wherever China's diplomacy runs, the United States has to follow... For example, the United States, an island nation in the South Pacific that has been neglected for decades, recently went to establish an embassy.

Of course, competition is welcome... The United States wants to build railroads for others, and we welcome and are optimistic about it.

This time G7 Kishida chose to be in Hiroshima, ruthless enough! forced Biden to play a cat crying ugly drama...

But Biden has no way, because in the future Japan will need to be anti-China cannon fodder, so that more people may die than Hiroshima. If you want to take it, you must give it first.

Although the Hiroshima Declaration was ridiculed by Taiwanese, even if it was to be written occasionally, there was no way to make China heavier... In other words, anti-Chinese words, full marks.

The United States is only interested in China.

The Hiroshima Declaration has many promises of world economic development and prosperity... Although very hollow. This can't be helped, because the West, especially the United States, in terms of industrial capacity construction and manufacturing, is empty, only military exports are numerous, but few countries are interested in fighting, so they can only make as much fuss as possible in the virtual economic field.

In fact, as long as you look at the United States and India, to build a railway for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, you can know that the United States in order to compete with China, regardless of anything, jokes do not care, to know that the two most famous countries in the world for rotten railways, I am afraid that the United States and India.

Therefore, the Hiroshima Declaration talks about the promise of world economic development and prosperity, and it is entirely aimed at competition with China... It's like wherever China's diplomacy runs, the United States has to follow... For example, the United States, an island nation in the South Pacific that has been neglected for decades, recently went to establish an embassy.

Of course, competition is welcome... The United States wants to build railroads for others, and we welcome and are optimistic about it.

This time G7 Kishida chose to be in Hiroshima, ruthless enough! forced Biden to play a cat crying ugly drama...

But Biden has no way, because in the future Japan will need to be anti-China cannon fodder, so that more people may die than Hiroshima. If you want to take it, you must give it first.

Although the Hiroshima Declaration was ridiculed by Taiwanese, even if it was to be written occasionally, there was no way to make China heavier... In other words, anti-Chinese words, full marks.

The United States is only interested in China.

The Hiroshima Declaration has many promises of world economic development and prosperity... Although very hollow. This can't be helped, because the West, especially the United States, in terms of industrial capacity construction and manufacturing, is empty, only military exports are numerous, but few countries are interested in fighting, so they can only make as much fuss as possible in the virtual economic field.

In fact, as long as you look at the United States and India, to build a railway for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, you can know that the United States in order to compete with China, regardless of anything, jokes do not care, to know that the two most famous countries in the world for rotten railways, I am afraid that the United States and India.


Of course, competition is welcome... The United States wants to build railroads for others, and we welcome and are optimistic about it.

This time G7 Kishida chose to be in Hiroshima, ruthless enough! forced Biden to play a cat crying ugly drama...

But Biden has no way, because in the future Japan will need to be anti-China cannon fodder, so that more people may die than Hiroshima. If you want to take it, you must give it first.

Although the Hiroshima Declaration was ridiculed by Taiwanese, even if it was to be written occasionally, there was no way to make China heavier... In other words, anti-Chinese words, full marks.

The United States is only interested in China.

The Hiroshima Declaration has many promises of world economic development and prosperity... Although very hollow. This can't be helped, because the West, especially the United States, in terms of industrial capacity construction and manufacturing, is empty, only military exports are numerous, but few countries are interested in fighting, so they can only make as much fuss as possible in the virtual economic field.

In fact, as long as you look at the United States and India, to build a railway for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, you can know that the United States in order to compete with China, regardless of anything, jokes do not care, to know that the two most famous countries in the world for rotten railways, I am afraid that the United States and India.

Therefore, the Hiroshima Declaration talks about the promise of world economic development and prosperity, and it is entirely aimed at competition with China... It's like wherever China's diplomacy runs, the United States has to follow... For example, the United States, an island nation in the South Pacific that has been neglected for decades, recently went to establish an embassy.

Of course, competition is welcome... The United States wants to build railroads for others, and we welcome and are optimistic about it.

This time G7 Kishida chose to be in Hiroshima, ruthless enough! forced Biden to play a cat crying ugly drama...

But Biden has no way, because in the future Japan will need to be anti-China cannon fodder, so that more people may die than Hiroshima. If you want to take it, you must give it first.

Although the Hiroshima Declaration was ridiculed by Taiwanese, even if it was to be written occasionally, there was no way to make China heavier... In other words, anti-Chinese words, full marks.

The United States is only interested in China.

The Hiroshima Declaration has many promises of world economic development and prosperity... Although very hollow. This can't be helped, because the West, especially the United States, in terms of industrial capacity construction and manufacturing, is empty, only military exports are numerous, but few countries are interested in fighting, so they can only make as much fuss as possible in the virtual economic field.

In fact, as long as you look at the United States and India, to build a railway for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, you can know that the United States in order to compete with China, regardless of anything, jokes do not care, to know that the two most famous countries in the world for rotten railways, I am afraid that the United States and India.

Therefore, the Hiroshima Declaration talks about the promise of world economic development and prosperity, and it is entirely aimed at competition with China... It's like wherever China's diplomacy runs, the United States has to follow... For example, the United States, an island nation in the South Pacific that has been neglected for decades, recently went to establish an embassy.
















Therefore, the Hiroshima Declaration talks about the promise of world economic development and prosperity, and it is entirely aimed at competition with China... It's like wherever China's diplomacy runs, the United States has to follow... For example, the United States, an island nation in the South Pacific that has been neglected for decades, recently went to establish an embassy.

Of course, competition is welcome... The United States wants to build railroads for others, and we welcome and are optimistic about it.

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